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One Piece Time Skip Episode Revealed

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Have you ever wondered about the exact moment in the One Piece series when the time skip occurs? When do the Straw Hat Pirates undergo intense training and come back stronger than ever? Get ready to uncover the answer to the burning question: What episode is the time skip in One Piece?

Key Takeaways:

  • The time skip in One Piece takes place between Chapters 597–598 and Episodes 516–517.
  • It separates the story into two halves: Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga and The Final Sea: The New World Saga.
  • During the time skip, the Straw Hat Pirates undergo individual training to become stronger in preparation for the challenges of the New World.
  • Various major events occur during the time skip, including battles, the introduction of new Warlords of the Sea, and the Payback War between the Whitebeard Pirates and Blackbeard Pirates.
  • The time skip marks a significant turning point in the series, shaping the abilities and strengths of the Straw Hat Pirates for the rest of the story.

When Does the One Piece Time Skip Occur?

The time skip in the popular anime series One Piece takes place between Episode 516 and Episode 517. This momentous event signifies a significant shift in the story and marks the separation of the Straw Hat Pirates for a duration of two years. During this period, each member of the crew undergoes intensive training to enhance their individual strengths and abilities.

The time skip commences after the events at Sabaody Archipelago, where the Straw Hat Pirates face various challenges and encounter powerful foes. Following their separation, the crew members embark on their own personal journeys to become stronger, honing their skills and acquiring new techniques.

The duration of the time skip in One Piece spans two years, during which the Straw Hat Pirates undergo significant transformation and growth. This period of intense training prepares them for the perils that await them in the treacherous waters of the New World.

“The time skip in One Piece is a crucial turning point in the series, setting the stage for epic adventures and showcasing the growth of the beloved characters.”

Key Details:

  • Start Episode: Episode 516
  • End Episode: Episode 517
  • Duration: Two years
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The time skip in One Piece not only introduces a new chapter in the Straw Hat Pirates’ journey but also establishes new dynamics, abilities, and challenges for the characters. The transformation that occurs during this period plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative and sets the stage for the thrilling adventures that lie ahead.

Changes and Developments During the Time Skip

The time skip in One Piece brings about significant changes and developments for the characters. Each member of the Straw Hat Pirates undergoes individual training, resulting in remarkable growth and enhanced abilities. Let’s take a closer look at the transformations that occur during this time:


Luffy trains under the guidance of Silvers Rayleigh, the former first mate of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. During this period, Luffy not only honed his physical strength but also mastered the use of Haki, a powerful spiritual force. This newfound ability allows him to bypass the defenses of Logia-type Devil Fruit users and even sense the presence of others.


Zoro, the swordsman of the crew, seeks training from the legendary swordsman Dracule Mihawk. Under his tutelage, Zoro refines his swordsmanship skills and learns two advanced forms of Haki: Armament Haki, which grants him the ability to imbue his swords with powerful Busoshoku Haki, and Observation Haki, enabling him to sense the intentions of his opponents.


Nami travels to Weatheria, a sky island populated by skilled meteorologists. There, she learns advanced weather manipulation techniques, strengthening her navigational skills and upgrading her trusty weapon, the Clima-Tact. With her newfound abilities, Nami can control the weather and create devastating storms to aid the Straw Hat Pirates in battle.


Usopp trains alongside Heracles on the Isle of Snipers, where he masters the use of Pop Greens, specialized plants with various effects. These plants become an integral part of Usopp’s arsenal, providing him with versatile and powerful ammunition for his slingshot, the Kabuto.


Sanji finds himself training under the watchful eye of Ivankov, one of the commanders of the Revolutionary Army. Through intense physical training and the consumption of a potent drug named the “Hormone-Hormone Fruit,” Sanji enhances his overall power and acquires new techniques, further cementing his position as the crew’s formidable chef and fighter.

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Chopper, the crew’s doctor with a unique Devil Fruit ability, seeks knowledge and experience in the art of medicine on Torino Kingdom. During this time, he becomes a student of the kingdom’s revered doctor, Dr. Kureha. Chopper’s studies not only expand his medical expertise but also enhance the capabilities of his Devil Fruit powers, enabling him to access new transformations and healing abilities.


Robin joins the secretive Revolutionary Army during the time skip, working closely with its leader, Monkey D. Dragon. Her training focuses on harnessing the power of her Flower-Flower Fruit, allowing her to manipulate her surroundings and create powerful limbs and structures. Robin’s mastery of her Devil Fruit increases both her offensive and defensive capabilities.


Franky, the Straw Hat Pirates’ shipwright and cyborg, dedicates himself to upgrading his body using technology developed by the brilliant scientist Vegapunk. These modifications enhance his physical strength and provide him with various weapon systems, making him an even more formidable combatant and an asset to the crew.


During the time skip, Brook embraces his identity as the Soul King and refines his musical abilities. Additionally, he perfects his control over his Revive-Revive Fruit, enabling him to reanimate his own soul even faster and granting him greater resistance against attacks targeting his spiritual form.

These developments during the time skip shape the abilities and strengths of the Straw Hat Pirates for the rest of the series, preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead in the treacherous waters of the New World.

Straw Hat PiratesTrainingNew Abilities and Skills
LuffySilvers RayleighMastery of Haki
ZoroMihawkArmament and Observation Haki
NamiWeatheriaWeather manipulation, upgraded Clima-Tact
UsoppHeraclesMastery of Pop Greens
SanjiIvankovIncreased power, new techniques
ChopperTorino KingdomEnhanced Devil Fruit abilities
RobinRevolutionary ArmyImproved Flower-Flower Fruit abilities
FrankyVegapunkUpgraded cyborg body
BrookPersonal trainingMastery of Revive-Revive Fruit


The time skip in One Piece is a crucial moment in the series that brings about significant changes in the narrative and character development. It serves as a turning point for the Straw Hat Pirates, allowing them to undergo intense training and acquire new abilities and strengths.

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During the two-year separation, each member of the crew hones their skills in preparation for the challenges they will face in the New World. Luffy learns to use Haki, Zoro trains with Mihawk to become a stronger swordsman, and Nami enhances her navigational abilities on Weatheria.

These developments shape the abilities and strengths of the Straw Hat Pirates for the rest of the series and set the stage for the exciting adventures that await them. The time skip in One Piece is not only a vital plot point but also a thrilling journey of growth and transformation for our favorite characters.


What episode does the time skip in One Piece occur?

The time skip in One Piece occurs between Chapters 597–598 and Episodes 516–517.

When does the One Piece time skip start and how long does it last?

The One Piece time skip starts with Episode 516 and continues through Episode 517. It lasts for a duration of two years.

What changes and developments take place during the One Piece time skip?

During the time skip, the Straw Hat Pirates undergo individual training to become stronger. Luffy learns to use Haki, Zoro trains with Mihawk to become a stronger swordsman, Nami enhances her navigational abilities, Usopp masters the use of Pop Greens, Sanji increases his overall power, Chopper studies medicine and enhances his Devil Fruit abilities, Robin joins the Revolutionaries, Franky upgrades himself using Vegapunk’s technology, and Brook masters the power of his Revive-Revive Fruit.

What is the significance of the One Piece time skip?

The time skip in One Piece marks a significant change in the narrative and character development. It allows the Straw Hat Pirates to acquire new abilities and strengths through intense training. The two-year separation also prepares them for the challenges they will face in the New World.
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23 thoughts on “One Piece Time Skip Episode Revealed”

    1. B9dc09c244f755190465ab745d67290c

      I respectfully disagree. The time skip in One Piece added depth to the characters and allowed for significant growth in the storyline. It was a crucial element in the development of the series and provided a fresh perspective on the world of pirates.

    1. B9dc09c244f755190465ab745d67290c

      Disagree completely. The time skip in One Piece added depth to the story and character development. It elevated the stakes and opened up endless possibilities for the plot. Its a bold move that paid off, enhancing the overall narrative. Keep reading, you might change your mind.

  1. 3d1113a0afee6681985a73cad164f077

    Just came across this article guys, do you think the time skip in One Piece was really necessary? I mean, it surely added some mystery but did it impact the storyline positively or negatively? Lets debate!

  2. 23b2fae2475a7ba01da9c74666b6fc1e

    Interesting read! But wouldnt it be more revealing if they discussed the impact of the time skip on the characters power levels? Just seems like a missed opportunity.

  3. F019833c07d982af8c6f06a59f454c4e

    Interesting reveal, but isnt the timing of the One Piece time skip a bit off? The developments seem to happen too abruptly. Anyone else feel the same or am I missing something here?

  4. Cc83216275632010b3a61653112ceb51

    Wow, this One Piece time skip episode revelation is a real game changer, isnt it? But dont you think the story might lose a bit of its essence due to the sudden changes and developments?

  5. E06a7125820744d872cfda9b3d58ffb9

    I cant believe they revealed the time skip episode already! Do you think theyre rushing things or trying to keep fans on their toes? Im excited but also a bit skeptical.

  6. 957d834b2639014850d7f6b7730116d7

    I cant believe they revealed the time skip episode already! I think Luffys power-up is going to be ridiculous. Who else is excited to see what crazy changes and developments happen during the time skip? #OnePieceHype

  7. B459461dca83c2cfa45a0c95c99ed8ee

    Honestly, I feel like the Time Skip in One Piece was somewhat rushed and unnecessary. Sure, it gave us a glimpse of the new power levels, but it also took away the thrill of seeing Luffy and the gang gradually grow. Plus, it totally messed up the pacing. Not a fan!

    1. 1ed9a5151878aee68c45ddfd8f912a5e

      Rushed? Unnecessary? The Time Skip propelled One Piece to new, exciting and unpredictable heights. Embrace change!

  8. 0ef5d3cd14713ccb8e550a7f19a2d7ed

    Interesting read, but I think the time skip in One Piece was unnecessary. The plot could have been developed better without such a drastic leap. Plus, the character growth seemed forced post-skip. Thoughts? I feel the Straw Hats could have been pushed harder pre-skip, wouldve been more organic, no?

  9. 39b572085b2432a473ea54441da188d0

    Ok, so I just read this article about the One Piece Time Skip and honestly, Im left scratching my head. Why didnt Oda develop Sanjis character more during the time skip? It feels like he was left on the back burner. I mean, its a 2-year time skip, surely Sanji couldve learned a new recipe or two! Anyone else feel this way?

  10. Bef6c59398c07150fa72f7d28792bb9b

    Honestly, the time skip was a lazy move. Couldnt Oda sensei develop the story without rushing? Feels like a cop-out to me.

  11. 7a60e1c7d2d71d53b35914166bee9445

    Interesting take, but didnt the time skip warp character development too much? Might have been better as a spin-off, dont you think?

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