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Does Logan Roy Die in Succession? Episode Guide

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When it comes to the hit HBO series “Succession,” viewers have been captivated by the high-stakes power struggles of the Roy family. But the question that lingers in the minds of fans is: does Logan Roy meet his demise in the show?

Rumors and speculation have circulated about the fate of Logan Roy, the patriarch of the wealthy Roy family. Some believe that his character will remain a dominating force throughout the series, while others anticipate a dramatic and unexpected death.

Today, we dive into the truth behind Logan Roy’s fate in “Succession.” Brace yourself for revelations and surprises as we uncover the pivotal episode in which this significant event takes place. Prepare to explore the aftermath and consequences that follow Logan Roy’s death, forever altering the dynamics of the Roy family.

Key Takeaways:

  • Confirming the truth: Logan Roy does die in the series.
  • The pivotal episode: “Connor’s Wedding” marks the significant event.
  • The impact on the storyline: Logan’s death creates a power vacuum and triggers shifts in alliances and power struggles.
  • Exploring the aftermath: The remaining episodes of the fourth and final season delve into the consequences of Logan’s death.
  • A captivating resolution: Discover the dramatic developments that unfold as the series reaches its finale.

How does Logan Roy die in Succession?

Logan Roy’s death in “Succession” takes place while he is on a private jet, on his way to meet with Lukas Matsson in Sweden to discuss the Waystar/GoJo deal. At the time, Logan is separated from the rest of his family, who are attending Connor’s wedding. Logan’s death is not depicted on screen in a traditional dramatic fashion. Instead, the episode focuses on the reactions and emotions of the Roy siblings as they receive the news of their father’s passing.

Director Mark Mylod explained in an interview that the decision to portray Logan’s death off-screen was a deliberate choice to subvert television clichés and create a more realistic, understated portrayal of a significant event.

While the details of Logan’s death are not explicitly shown, it is implied that he experiences a medical emergency in the bathroom of the private jet, leading to his collapse and subsequent death.

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The Impact of Logan Roy’s Death on Succession

Logan Roy’s death in “Succession” has a profound impact on the storyline and characters of the show. As the main protagonist and the powerful figurehead of the Roy family, his absence creates a significant power vacuum and forces the Roy siblings to navigate a new dynamic filled with uncertainty and competition.

The remaining episodes of the fourth season delve into how each Roy child copes with their father’s death and the challenges they face as they strive to claim their inheritance and maintain control of the family’s influential media empire. Connor, Kendall, Shiv, and Roman must confront their own ambitions, insecurities, and complicated relationships with their father in the aftermath of Logan’s passing.

Furthermore, Logan’s death triggers a series of shifts in alliances and power struggles among the supporting characters. For instance, the already fragile marriage between Tom and Shiv begins to crumble under the weight of the new circumstances. Meanwhile, other Waystar Royco executives, previously in the shadow of Logan, seize the opportunity to assert their influence and climb the corporate ladder.

The repercussions of Logan’s death reverberate throughout the show, impacting not only the Roy family but also the broader landscape of the high-stakes business world in which they operate.

Shifts in Alliances and Power Struggles After Logan Roy’s Death

Character Alliance/Position Before Logan’s Death Alliance/Position After Logan’s Death
Tom Loyal to Logan Struggling Marriage with Shiv
Shiv Close to Logan Marriage Struggles with Tom
Other Waystar Royco Executives Under Logan’s Shadow Elevated Roles and Power
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The aftermath of Logan Roy’s death and its consequences provide compelling storytelling and character development in the final episodes of “Succession.” Viewers will be captivated by the intricate web of power dynamics, personal struggles, and ambition as the show reaches its climactic resolution.

logan roy succession impact


In conclusion, the highly anticipated final episode of “Succession” reveals the shocking death of Logan Roy. This significant event takes place in the episode titled “Connor’s Wedding,” marking a pivotal moment in the series. However, unlike typical dramatic portrayals, Logan’s death is notably depicted off-screen, allowing the focus to shift towards the raw reactions and emotions of the Roy siblings.

The impact of Logan’s death on the storyline is undeniable. It creates a power vacuum within the Roy family, leading to a series of shifts in alliances and power struggles among the characters. As the fourth and final season unfolds, viewers can expect to witness the aftermath of Logan’s death and the far-reaching consequences it has on the Roy family and their media empire.

The resolution of “Succession” in its final episodes promises to be both captivating and dramatic as the remaining characters navigate the loss of their patriarch and vie for control of the family’s legacy. In the wake of Logan Roy’s final episode death, viewers can anticipate a gripping conclusion to this acclaimed HBO series.


What episode does Logan Roy die in?

Logan Roy dies in the episode titled “Connor’s Wedding.”

How does Logan Roy die in Succession?

Logan Roy’s death is not depicted on-screen in a traditional dramatic fashion. It is implied that he experiences a medical emergency on a private jet, leading to his collapse and subsequent death. The exact details of his death are not explicitly shown.

What is the impact of Logan Roy’s death on Succession?

Logan Roy’s death creates a power vacuum and triggers shifts in alliances and power struggles among the characters. It forces the Roy siblings to navigate a new dynamic as they strive to claim their inheritance and maintain control of the family’s media empire. The aftermath of Logan’s death is explored in the remaining episodes of the fourth season.

What happens after Logan Roy’s death in Succession?

The remaining episodes of Succession’s fourth season delve into the consequences and aftermath of Logan Roy’s death. Viewers will witness the Roy siblings coping with the loss, as well as the challenges they face in their pursuit of inheritance and control over the family’s media empire. The power dynamics and relationships among the characters undergo significant changes.

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26 thoughts on “Does Logan Roy Die in Succession? Episode Guide”

    1. Nice theory, but I highly doubt Logan Roy would go to such extreme lengths just to manipulate his family. The mans ego is big enough to believe he can control them without faking his death. Keep digging for more believable twists! 🕵️‍♂️

  1. Am I the only one who thinks Logans death would catapult Shiv into a power struggle? His demise could really shuffle the deck in terms of alliances. Thoughts? #Succession #LoganRoy #PowerPlays

  2. Pure speculation here, but if Logan Roys death was a suicide, could it be a strategy to ignite chaos and test his childrens abilities to manage the empire? Just food for thought.

  3. Just read the article, guys, and Im puzzled. Do we really think Logan Roys death will drastically alter Successions dynamics? Or could it just be a clever ruse to shake things up? Thoughts?

  4. I think Logan Roy fakes his own death to test his familys loyalty. Imagine the chaos and drama that would ensue if he suddenly showed up alive! Its a wild theory but hey, anything can happen in the Succession world, right?

  5. I dont know about you guys, but I kinda hope Logan Roy doesnt die in Succession. I mean, the chaos and drama that would ensue if he stays alive could be epic! Whos with me on this one?

  6. Just finished reading this and honestly, Im not too convinced Logans dead. Wheres the solid proof, mate? Successions a master of plot twists and turns, could be another shocking surprise. Maybe theyve staged it for a power play? Until a bodys shown, Im keeping my bets off.

  7. After reading the article, I must say, I dont get the hype. Sure, Logan Roys death shakes things up in Succession, but isnt it all a bit too predictable? I mean, power struggles, shifts in alliances – its all been done before. Wheres the originality? Maybe its just me, but I like my TV with a side of unpredictability.

  8. I cant help but feel that Logans death might actually give Succession a new edge. Sure, he was the shows heart, but lets face it, his character was getting a bit predictable. Now, the power vacuum could stir up new alliances and plot twists. Im just saying, dont write off Succession yet. This could be the fresh start it needs.

  9. Just finished the article and Ive got to say, Im skeptical. I mean, does Logan Roy really die in Succession? The show thrives on unpredictability. Plus, hes the fulcrum of all power plays. Isnt his death a bit too convenient for some characters? Just a thought, maybe he faked it? Classic Logan move, eh?

  10. Its just me, or does anybody else think that killing off Logan Roy was a desperate move from Successions showrunners? I mean, it smells like a cheap trick to ramp up the drama and keep viewers hooked. And honestly, the power shifts and alliance struggles after his death have been too predictable. Bring back Logan, guys!

  11. Just finished the article and I gotta tell you, Im not buying it. I dont think Logan Roy is dead. I mean, come on, hes the core of the show. His death would just feel like a cheap trick for shock value. Plus, the power struggles and alliances could totally shift without him kicking the bucket. Thoughts?

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