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Glenn’s Death: Find Out the Season & Episode

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Glenn Rhee, a beloved character from The Walking Dead, faced countless life-threatening situations throughout the series. Fans anxiously watched as he narrowly escaped death time and time again. But when did Glenn’s luck finally run out? In what season and episode did he meet his tragic end? Let’s delve into the details and uncover the answer to this burning question.

Key Takeaways:

  • Glenn Rhee, a character from The Walking Dead, faced numerous close calls with death throughout the series.
  • Glenn’s ultimate demise occurs in Season 7, Episode 1 (“The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”).
  • This pivotal episode features Glenn’s brutal death at the hands of the villainous Negan.
  • Glenn’s death has a lasting impact on the remaining characters and shapes the future challenges they will face.
  • Stay tuned to uncover the full story of Glenn’s tragic end in The Walking Dead.

Glenn’s Close Calls with Death

Glenn Rhee, a beloved character from The Walking Dead, has faced numerous near-death experiences throughout the series. His survival skills, quick thinking, and determination have helped him narrowly escape danger on multiple occasions. Let’s delve into some of the most memorable close calls Glenn encountered before his tragic end.

Season 1, Episode 2 (“Guts”)

In this early season episode, Glenn finds himself surrounded by walkers while attempting to divert them away from the group. Through a daring plan that involves smearing himself in walker guts, Glenn successfully disguises his scent and manages to make it back to safety. This moment showcases his resourcefulness and bravery in the face of imminent danger.

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Season 2, Episode 4 (“Cherokee Rose”)

During a mission to retrieve water from a well, Glenn’s life hangs in the balance when the decaying wood collapses under his weight. He narrowly avoids being devoured by a hungry walker, thanks to quick thinking and help from his companions. This heart-pounding moment highlights Glenn’s ability to stay calm under pressure.

Season 3, Episode 7 (“When the Dead Come Knocking”)

Glenn finds himself captured and taken to the town of Woodbury, where he faces interrogation and the constant threat of walkers. Bound and vulnerable, he manages to outsmart his captors and survives this dangerous ordeal. This demonstrates Glenn’s intelligence and resilience in the face of adversity.

These are just a few examples of the countless times Glenn Rhee narrowly escaped death in The Walking Dead. His bravery and survival instincts allowed him to overcome incredible challenges, ultimately making his ultimate demise all the more tragic.

SeasonEpisodeClose Call
Season 1Episode 2Guts
Season 2Episode 4Cherokee Rose
Season 3Episode 7When the Dead Come Knocking

Glenn’s remarkable ability to cheat death time and time again made his eventual death all the more heartbreaking. In the next section, we will explore the season and episode where Glenn meets his tragic end in The Walking Dead.

Glenn’s Tragic End

Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead is a pivotal moment that occurs in Season 7, Episode 1 (“The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”). This heartbreaking episode marks a turning point in the series and leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

the walking dead glenn death episode

After being captured by the nefarious Negan, Glenn faces a cruel fate as one of the victims of his brutal barbed wire bat, Lucille. This shocking scene showcases the ruthless nature of Negan and the harsh reality of survival in the post-apocalyptic world.

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Glenn’s death reverberates throughout the remaining characters, leaving them in a state of shock and grief. It sets the stage for the challenges they will face as they navigate a world filled with danger and loss.

The loss of Glenn, a beloved character, is a heartbreaking moment for fans of the show. It serves as a reminder of the constant threat and unpredictable nature of The Walking Dead universe.


The Walking Dead’s portrayal of Glenn’s death in Season 7, Episode 1 (“The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”) captivated audiences and left a lasting impact. The scene prominently features Negan, portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who brings a brutal and shocking presence to the series.

Glenn’s death is a pivotal moment in The Walking Dead, forever changing the dynamic of the show. It showcases the unrelenting cruelty of the post-apocalyptic world and demonstrates the high stakes faced by the survivors. The emotional and heartbreaking scene has resonated with fans, underscoring the show’s ability to evoke strong emotions.

The Walking Dead’s treatment of Glenn’s death exemplifies the series’ commitment to storytelling, character development, and pushing boundaries. It exemplifies the show’s ability to captivate and engage viewers, keeping them eagerly anticipating each new twist and turn. Glenn’s death stands as a testament to the impact a well-crafted scene can have, both within the show’s narrative and on its dedicated fanbase.


In which season and episode does Glenn die in The Walking Dead?

Glenn dies in Season 7, Episode 1 (“The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”).

What is the episode number of Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead?

Glenn’s death occurs in Season 7, Episode 1.

What are some close calls with death that Glenn has in The Walking Dead?

Glenn faces numerous near-death experiences throughout the series, including escaping walkers in Season 1, Episode 2 (“Guts”) and surviving a walker threat in Season 3, Episode 7 (“When the Dead Come Knocking”).

How does Glenn meet his tragic end in The Walking Dead?

Glenn is captured by Negan and is brutally killed with a barbed wire bat, Lucille, in Season 7, Episode 1 (“The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”).
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23 thoughts on “Glenn’s Death: Find Out the Season & Episode”

  1. 513282167c72bb344243759d244d7258

    Interesting read! Still, I cant help but question, could Glenns numerous close calls have been better spread throughout the series? Feels a bit clustered to me.

  2. 959db47f8b7bc09fa13ef43fe4c0a264

    Interesting read, but dont you think Glenns repeated brushes with death were a bit overdone? Its almost as if the writers were trying too hard to keep us on edge.

  3. E16e77fad29f79e58187c42d3389b127

    Just tossing this out there, but wasnt Glenns death way too predictable? I mean, after Guts and Cherokee Rose, we saw him dodge death so many times, it was kinda obvious he wouldnt keep getting lucky. Maybe its just me, but I prefer my plot twists to be a bit less obvious. Thoughts?

  4. 60a00854f57f603f44930173f7a98be4

    Honestly, I think Glenns death was a cheap shot for shock value. The writers had him escape impossible situations so many times, it just felt inconsistent when they finally killed him off. Its like they ran out of ideas and thought, Lets just kill Glenn, thatll stir the pot. I mean, come on!

  5. 93e7383466360594d46dcadad057800f

    Did Glenn really have to die in Season 7? Seems like a cheap shock tactic. They couldve developed his character much more.

  6. 8ed1211f9f0b6d2aa6e5d6c5bf3cb45c

    I think Glenns death was a cheap shot for viewer ratings. Why not focus more on his close calls and survival skills instead?

  7. 51bbe9eb555ef0363701afa3a420c539

    Honestly, Glenns death seems a bit overplayed. We’ve seen him survive countless impossible situations before, why should we believe that hes really gone this time? Also, why kill off such a fan favorite? I smell a plot twist brewing. Season 2s Cherokee Rose was a close call too, but Glenn came out fine. Lets not jump the gun here.

  8. 0ba46ce16efc9845291e8092582526d1

    I cant be the only one who thinks Glenns death was unnecessary, right? I mean, the guy survived Season 1 and 2s close calls like a boss. Its like the writers ran out of ideas and decided to off him. Just seems lazy and uninspired. Why not test his survival skills more? Anyone else feel the same?

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