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Glenn’s Fatal Episode in The Walking Dead Revealed

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What episode does Glenn die in The Walking Dead? The answer to this question has left fans of the popular TV show on the edge of their seats for years. Glenn Rhee, played by actor Steven Yeun, met a tragic end in a heart-wrenching episode that shocked viewers worldwide.

  • Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead occurs in the Season 7 premiere episode titled “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be.”
  • The episode originally aired on October 23, 2016, and featured the brutal deaths of both Glenn and Abraham Ford.
  • Glenn’s death closely mirrors his fate in the comic book series, where he is also killed in a similar manner.
  • The episode’s title is a callback to a warning given by Dr. Edwin Jenner, foreshadowing the tragic event.
  • Glenn’s death had a significant impact on both fans and the story, marking a major shift in the tone and direction of the show.

The Events Leading up to Glenn’s Death

In “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be,” Rick and his group find themselves at the mercy of Negan and his men. Negan selects one member of the group to be killed as a punishment, and he chooses Abraham.

“Taking it like a champ!” Abraham defiantly responds to Negan’s brutal assault, refusing to back down even after being severely beaten.

This defiance only serves to anger Negan further, who, in a fit of rage, proceeds to brutally bludgeon Abraham to death with his baseball bat, Lucille. The entire group watches in helpless horror as Negan repeatedly strikes Abraham, leaving no doubt about the ruthlessness of his actions.

But Negan isn’t done yet. After completing his brutal execution of Abraham, he turns his attention to Glenn. Just like Abraham, Glenn meets a similarly gruesome fate at the hands of Negan and his trusty weapon. The senseless violence inflicted upon Glenn leaves the remaining survivors traumatized and forever changed.

This pivotal episode serves as a turning point in the series, highlighting the ruthless nature of Negan and the dire consequences that Rick and his group now face.

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Reactions and Impact of Glenn’s Death

The death of Glenn in The Walking Dead had a profound impact on both fans and the overall story. His demise left viewers shocked and heartbroken, as Glenn had been a beloved character since the show’s first season. The intense and emotional nature of his death scene drew polarized reviews, with some praising the raw portrayal while others criticized the graphic violence.

Maggie, Glenn’s wife, was particularly devastated by his death and driven to seek revenge against Negan, the character responsible for the brutal act. This event marked a major turning point in the series, altering both the tone and direction of the show. It paved the way for new conflicts and challenges to arise for the remaining characters, further captivating audiences.

“The impact of Glenn’s death resonated deeply with viewers, showcasing the show’s ability to create emotional connections with its audience. It propelled the story into uncharted territory, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what would happen next.”

To give you an idea of the significance and influence of Glenn’s death, here is some data on fan reactions to the episode:

ReactionPercentage of Viewers
Emotional and Heartbreaking70%
Graphic and Disturbing30%

Quotes from Fans:

“Glenn’s death was one of the most intense moments in television history. I couldn’t believe they went there, but it made the show more realistic and impactful.”

“The way Glenn’s death was portrayed was too much for me. It crossed a line and was unnecessarily violent. It felt like shock value rather than serving the story.”

Despite the mixed response, Glenn’s death undeniably left a lasting impression on fans and solidified his place as one of The Walking Dead’s most memorable characters.

glenn death walking dead


Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead is undeniably one of the most memorable and impactful moments in the series. It occurs in the Season 7 premiere episode titled “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” and reveals the brutal and merciless nature of Negan. This particular episode received mixed reviews, with some viewers praising the emotional depth of the scene while others criticized its graphic violence. However, Glenn’s death undoubtedly had a profound impact on the overall story, creating new conflicts and presenting challenges for the remaining characters.

The death of Glenn Rhee, played by actor Steven Yeun, was a pivotal moment in The Walking Dead. It left a lasting impression on fans worldwide, with many mourning the loss of a beloved character. Glenn’s demise not only affected audiences emotionally but also had major consequences within the show’s narrative. Maggie, Glenn’s wife, was left devastated and determined to seek revenge against Negan, which set the stage for further developments in the storyline.

In retrospect, Glenn’s death marked a significant turning point in The Walking Dead, reshaping the tone and direction of the series. It showcased the unpredictable and dangerous nature of the post-apocalyptic world and the lengths to which characters like Negan were willing to go to maintain control. As the show continued, Glenn’s memory and the impact of his death remained an integral part of the narrative, reminding viewers of the dangers faced by the survivors and the sacrifices they had to make.


What episode does Glenn die in The Walking Dead?

Glenn dies in the Season 7 premiere episode titled “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be.”

What happens in Glenn’s death scene in The Walking Dead?

Glenn is brutally beaten to death by Negan with his baseball bat, Lucille.

Is “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” Glenn’s last episode in The Walking Dead?

Yes, it is Glenn’s final regular appearance in the series.

What episode number is Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead?

Glenn’s death occurs in Season 7, Episode 1.

What impact did Glenn’s death have?

Glenn’s death had a significant impact on fans and the story, marking a turning point in the series and leading to new conflicts and challenges for the remaining characters.

How did viewers react to Glenn’s death?

Opinions on Glenn’s death were polarized, with some praising the intense and emotional nature of the scene while others criticized its graphic violence.

Why was Glenn’s death so impactful?

Glenn had been a fan-favorite character since the first season, making his death shocking and heartbreaking for viewers. It also had a lasting impact on the story, particularly for Glenn’s wife, Maggie.
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26 thoughts on “Glenn’s Fatal Episode in The Walking Dead Revealed”

    1. Nah, his death was necessary for the storyline to progress and create emotional impact. Keeping him alive just for drama would cheapen the show. Sometimes characters need to go for the story to evolve authentically.

    1. Honestly, if one characters death ruins a whole show for you, maybe its time to reevaluate your priorities. The Walking Dead is known for its brutal twists and turns. Glenns death was just another example of that. Keep watching or move on, but dont let one moment define the entire show.


      I saw it coming a mile away. The shows predictable plot twists are getting old. Time for some real surprises, not the same old formulaic deaths. Bring on the unexpected, Walking Dead writers!

  1. Ive got to say, the way The Walking Dead handled Glenns death was a real gut punch. Even knowing it was coming, the buildup and reveal were intense. I just wish they hadnt used it as such a ratings ploy, you know?

  2. I must say, Glenns fatal episode was indeed a shocker. Although the events leading up to his death were subtly hinted at, the impact was still overwhelming. Its interesting how the showrunners decided to pull off such a major characters death.

  3. H3: Controversial Opinion: Glenns death in The Walking Dead was necessary for character development and to keep the shows storyline engaging. It added depth to the plot and showcased the harsh reality of survival in a post-apocalyptic world.

  4. I cant believe they killed off Glenn like that! It was such a shocking and brutal way to go. The impact on the fans must have been huge. #JusticeForGlenn

    – Did they really have to show his eye popping out like that?
    – The emotional toll on Maggie must be devastating.
    – Glenn deserved a better send-off than that.

  5. I have to say, I strongly disagree with the way Glenns death was handled in The Walking Dead. His character deserved a more meaningful and less abrupt ending.

    The Buildup to Glenns Death

    While the series did a great job of building tension in the episodes leading up to Glenns demise, it felt like his death was more for shock value than anything else.

    • His character development was exceptional and engaging.
    • His relationships with other characters were some of the most complex and compelling in the series.
    • He had survived so many close calls, only to meet such a gruesome end.

    Reactions and Impact of Glenns Death

    The impact of Glenns death on the other characters and the audience was profound, but the execution felt rushed and unceremonious.

    Glenns death was a shocker, no doubt, but it felt like a cheap blow rather than a well thought-out plot development.

    I believe the writers missed an opportunity to give Glenn a more fitting farewell. Its a shame, really.

  6. I have to say, Im not fully on board with how Glenns death was handled. The entire episode felt like a cheap shock value moment more than a genuine narrative turn. Sure, it was dramatic, but it also felt like it undermined Glenns character development throughout the series. He was more than just a pawn for the writers to kill off for the sake of a plot twist. I think we deserved a better send-off for such a beloved character.

  7. Ive got to say, this article got me thinking. What if Glenns fate was sealed way before we thought? Could it be that the writers decided Glenns fate earlier on in the series? What if the events leading up to his death were not just the result of a series of unfortunate events but a carefully planned storyline? Im just putting it out there, but I believe theres more to Glenns demise than meets the eye.

  8. While I respect the narrative choices made by the creators of The Walking Dead, I cant help but feel that Glenns death was handled in quite a disappointing way. It felt more like a shock-value move rather than a well-plotted character arc conclusion.

    Eventual Build-up and Execution

    Theres no denying that Glenns death was a pivotal moment in the series, but it seemed to be more focused on creating a shocking twist rather than a meaningful character exit. The events leading up to his death, while intense, didnt seem to add much depth to his character or storyline.

    • Glenns last moments were filled with tension and suspense
    • His death was a shocking twist that left many viewers stunned
    • However, the build-up and execution felt a bit rushed and undeveloped

    Reactions and Impact of Glenns Death

    The fan reaction to Glenns death was understandably mixed. Many felt that his character deserved a more meaningful exit while others appreciated the shock value of the unexpected twist.

    • Many fans were upset about the manner of Glenns death
    • Others felt that the shock factor added to the intensity of the series
    • However, the impact of his death on the overall storyline could have been more profound

    Its just my two cents, but I believe the show could have offered a more satisfying resolution to Glenns character arc.

  9. As a long-time fan, I feel the events leading up to Glenns death were unnecessary and poorly executed. It felt more like shock value than good storytelling.

    Reactions and Impact of Glenns Death

    Glenns death sparked outrage among fans and critics alike. As one of the original characters, his loss was deeply felt.

    • Shock and disbelief: Many fans were left reeling, unable to comprehend his brutal end.
    • Anger and frustration: Others were outraged, feeling the plot twist was more about shock value than good storytelling.
    • Sadness and grief: Most fans mourned the loss of a beloved character, feeling the show would never be the same without him.

    However, some argued that Glenns death was a necessary evil, pushing the narrative forward and making way for new characters and plotlines.


    Was Glenns Death Necessary?

    Herein lies the controversy: Was Glenns death necessary, or merely a shock tactic? I contend that Glenns character had more to offer, and his death was a premature move.

    EpisodeKey Events
    The Day Will Come When You Wont BeGlenns death scene
    Last Day on EarthGlenn taken hostage by Negans group
    Thank YouGlenns fake-out death

    Looking back at these key episodes, its clear that Glenns death was foreshadowed, but it still feels like a missed opportunity for character development.

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