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Glenn’s Fate in The Walking Dead Revealed

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In the world of The Walking Dead, no character’s death has shocked fans quite like Glenn Rhee’s demise. But did you know that his fate in the TV series actually differed from the original plan?

Creator Robert Kirkman initially intended to kill off Glenn in issue No. 75 of the comic book series. However, he changed his mind, realizing there was more to explore with the character. It wasn’t until the season seven premiere that Glenn met his brutal end at the hands of Negan. So, when exactly did Glenn die? Let’s dive deeper into his journey and unravel the surprising twists surrounding his death.

Key Takeaways:

  • Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead deviated from the original plan in the comic book series.
  • Creator Robert Kirkman had planned to kill off Glenn much earlier but decided to keep him alive.
  • Negan’s brutal act finally sealed Glenn’s fate in the season seven premiere.

Glenn’s Near-Death Experiences

The Walking Dead has always been notorious for keeping its audience on the edge of their seats, and Glenn’s fate was no exception. Throughout the series, Glenn found himself in a number of life-threatening situations that had fans holding their breaths. Let’s dive into some of his most memorable near-death experiences:

1. Falling into a Crowd of Walkers

In season six, episode three, titled “Thank You,” Glenn faced an incredibly tense moment. While on a supply run with Nicholas, they found themselves surrounded by a massive herd of walkers. In a heart-stopping turn of events, Nicholas shot himself, causing both him and Glenn to fall into the crowd of ravenous zombies below.

“I will find you, I promise,” Glenn’s voice echoed in the midst of the chaos.

For several episodes, viewers were left in suspense, unsure of Glenn’s fate. However, it was later revealed that he had managed to crawl under a dumpster and hide, narrowly escaping death.

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2. Abraham’s Sacrifice

As fans breathed a sigh of relief when Glenn survived the previous ordeal, the show took yet another unexpected turn. The season seven premiere saw the brutal introduction of Negan, the charismatic yet sadistic leader of the Saviors. In a twisted game of fate, Negan didn’t kill Glenn immediately. Instead, he ruthlessly beat Abraham to death with his barbed-wire baseball bat, proving that no character was safe.

“Suck my nuts,” Abraham defiantly muttered before his untimely demise.

3. Glenn’s Shocking Demise

Just as viewers thought the worst was over, Negan cruelly reminded them otherwise. Enraged by Daryl’s retaliatory punch, Negan retaliated by using his weapon of choice, “Lucille,” to deliver a devastating blow to Glenn’s head. The impact was bone-chilling, and Glenn’s death was as tragic as it was horrifying.

Glenn’s death marked a turning point in The Walking Dead and left an indelible mark on both the show and its audience. It was a testament to the show’s ability to shock and surprise, forever solidifying Glenn as one of the most beloved and mourned characters in The Walking Dead universe.

Near-Death Experience Episode
Falling into a Crowd of Walkers “Thank You” (Season 6, Episode 3)
Abraham’s Sacrifice Season 7 Premiere
Glenn’s Shocking Demise Season 7 Premiere


Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead was a pivotal moment in the series, leaving a lasting impact on fans. While the show took a different path from the source material, it incorporated various twists and turns before ultimately staying true to Glenn’s fate in the comic books.

The decision to kill off Glenn was not a last-minute choice. Creator Robert Kirkman had planned his demise for years before it finally unfolded in season seven. This deliberate decision showcased the show’s willingness to take risks and shock viewers with unexpected character deaths.

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The impact of Glenn’s death continues to reverberate among fans, making it one of the most memorable moments in The Walking Dead. It is a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of the apocalyptic world portrayed in the series, where no character is safe from the constant threat of death. The walking dead glenn death episode will forever be etched in the memories of loyal fans, cementing Glenn’s place as a beloved and tragically departed character.


What episode does Glenn die in The Walking Dead?

Glenn Rhee’s death occurs in the season seven premiere of The Walking Dead.

Which episode features Glenn’s death scene in The Walking Dead?

Glenn’s death scene takes place in the season seven premiere of The Walking Dead.

How does Glenn die in The Walking Dead?

In a shocking twist, Negan brutally kills Glenn by smashing his skull with a barbed-wire baseball bat in the season seven premiere of The Walking Dead, mirroring his death in the comic books.

Were there any fake-outs regarding Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead?

Yes, The Walking Dead introduced several fake-outs regarding Glenn’s death. In season six, episode three titled “Thank You,” Glenn appears to die when he falls into a crowd of walkers. However, he survives by crawling out from under a dumpster in a later episode. Additionally, the show initially kills off Abraham instead of Glenn, leading fans to believe Glenn has been spared.

Does Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead deviate from the original comic book?

Yes, Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead deviates from the original comic book. Creator Robert Kirkman originally planned to kill Glenn in issue No. 75 of the comic series but decided to explore more with the character. The show took a different route by having Abraham face the initial fate planned for Glenn, but ultimately staying true to Glenn’s fate in the comics by having Negan kill him.

Why was Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead such a significant moment in the series?

Glenn’s death in The Walking Dead was a pivotal moment because it showcased the show’s willingness to take risks and shock viewers with unexpected character deaths. It was a departure from the source material, with the show introducing twists and turns before staying true to Glenn’s fate in the comic books. The impact of Glenn’s death continues to resonate with fans, making it one of the most memorable moments in The Walking Dead.
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24 thoughts on “Glenn’s Fate in The Walking Dead Revealed”

    1. I get where youre coming from, but lets be real – The Walking Dead has always pushed the limits of reality. Glenns survival was a wild ride, but hey, thats what keeps us hooked, right? Just sit back and enjoy the chaos. #TheWalkingDeadTruths

  1. Wow, Glenns fate really had me on a rollercoaster! His near-death experiences were nail-biting, especially the walker crowd incident. But then Abrahams sacrifice, that was a whole new level. His shocking demise though, didnt see that coming!

  2. Did anyone else think Glenns recurring near-death scenes felt a bit like a plot gimmick? Almost like they were constantly teasing his demise to keep us hooked. Not sure how I feel about that…

  3. Just a thought, but wouldnt it have been more impactful to the storyline if Glenns demise was tied closer to Abrahams sacrifice? Seems like a missed opportunity for deeper character development.

  4. I cant believe they brought Glenn back after all those near-death experiences! It feels like a cop-out. Shouldve let him stay dead for real this time. #TeamAbraham #TheWalkingDead

  5. I cant believe they brought Glenn back after all those near-death experiences! It feels like a cop-out. Shouldve let his shocking demise stick. What do you guys think?

  6. I gotta say, I feel like Glenns demise was a bit overhyped. I mean, how many near-death experiences can one character have? And lets not forget Abrahams sacrifice – its like the writers forgot about it. Its all a bit too convenient, isnt it? Bit of a plot armor situation if you ask me. Just my two cents.

  7. Honestly, I dont get all the fuss about Glenns demise. I mean, how many times can a guy cheat death in a zombie apocalypse? Its like the writers were playing how many near-death experiences can we give Glenn before fans lose it. It was high time they let him rest. Just my two cents though.

  8. Honestly, I feel like Glenns fate was a bit of a cop-out. The whole falling into a crowd of walkers thing was suspenseful, sure, but it feels like theyre trying to squeeze out every drop of character development from him. And dont even get me started on Abrahams sacrifice – it was an unnecessary shock factor. Just seems like lazy writing to me, yknow? Anyone else feel the same?

  9. Can we just address the elephant in the room? Glenns near-death experiences are getting old. Seriously, how many times can one guy cheat death? Im half-convinced hes a cat with nine lives! And Abrahams sacrifice, while noble, seemed more like a plot device than anything. Also, Glenns shocking demise? More like predictable. Walking Dead, surprise me for once!

  10. Glenns fate seems too manipulated, dont you think? Its like the producers play with our emotions for ratings! #GlennDeservedBetter

  11. Glenns fate feels like a cheap emotional rollercoaster. Anyone else think TWD is just exploiting our attachment to him for ratings?

  12. Honestly, Glenns near-death experiences were way too exaggerated. They should have just let him go during the Abraham sacrifice scene. Too much drama!

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