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Jess and Nick’s First Kiss Episode Revealed

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Have you ever wondered when Jess and Nick had their first kiss in the TV show “New Girl”? The answer may surprise you! In this article, we will discuss the episode where this iconic kiss takes place, and delve into its significance for their relationship.

Key Takeaways:

  • The first kiss between Jess and Nick happens in season 2, episode 15 of “New Girl,” titled “Cooler.”
  • Originally, the writers had planned for Jess to kiss Schmidt, but they changed it to Jess and Nick for a more impactful storyline.
  • The decision to have Jess and Nick kiss in this episode was made a week before shooting.
  • The kiss between Jess and Nick sets the foundation for their romantic storyline and is considered an iconic moment in the series.
  • The episode “Cooler” is often regarded as one of the best episodes of “New Girl.”

The Significance of Jess and Nick’s First Kiss

Jess and Nick’s first kiss in the TV show “New Girl” holds great significance in their relationship. It marks a pivotal moment where they transition from being friends to lovers, establishing a strong romantic connection between them.

Their first kiss is passionate and intense, reflecting the deep emotions they have for each other. This powerful moment sets the stage for their love story to unfold throughout the series.

“That first kiss was really cool, really powerful. I wanted it to feel like the whole series changed in that moment,” said creator and writer Elizabeth Meriwether.

“It’s not just that they’re kissing; it’s that these two people who have been great friends for a year-and-a-half now are going to have to figure out what they want from each other, and that’s the love story of the show.”

The evolution of Jess and Nick’s relationship continues to captivate fans, as they navigate the ups and downs of their romance. However, their first kiss remains a defining moment that solidifies their connection and fuels the chemistry between them.

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The episode featuring their first kiss is often referenced by fans as one of the highlights of Jess and Nick’s love story. It showcases their undeniable chemistry and sets the tone for future developments in their relationship.

Their love story in numbers:

Season Episodes Moments
Season 1 24 Friendship building
Season 2 25 First kiss and exploring their feelings
Season 3 23 Relationship challenges and growth
Season 4 23 Breakup and reconciliation
Season 5 22 Commitment and deepening love
Season 6 22 Building a future together

This table showcases how Jess and Nick’s love story evolves throughout the six seasons of “New Girl,” with each season bringing new challenges and moments of growth for their relationship.

The Original Plan for Jess and Nick’s Kiss

In the episode “Cooler” of the hit TV show “New Girl,” fans were treated to an iconic moment: the first kiss between Jess and Nick. However, this passionate and memorable scene almost didn’t happen as originally planned.

The writers of “New Girl” initially intended for Jess to share a kiss with her roommate Schmidt in the episode. However, just a week before shooting, the storyline took a turn, leading to a change that would forever impact the show.

“Originally, we had planned for Jess to kiss Schmidt in the game, but we felt that having her kiss Nick would be a more impactful and surprising choice,” shared one of the show’s writers.

This last-minute decision to have Jess and Nick share their first kiss was met with enthusiasm by the crew and viewers alike. And it’s no wonder why—the chemistry between Jake Johnson and Zooey Deschanel as Jess and Nick was palpable.

“The moment was electric. Jake and Zooey brought so much emotion and vulnerability to the scene, and it truly elevated the show,” commented one of the crew members.

The writers’ choice to deviate from their original plan paid off, adding depth and complexity to Jess and Nick’s relationship. This unexpected twist set the stage for future developments and became a defining moment in their love story.

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jess and nick first kiss


The first kiss between Jess and Nick in the hit TV show “New Girl” is a pivotal moment that resonates with fans. This iconic kiss scene takes place in season 2, episode 15, titled “Cooler.”

With this kiss, Jess and Nick’s relationship takes a significant turn, transitioning from friends to romantic partners. The chemistry between Zooey Deschanel and Jake Johnson in this scene is palpable, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.

Although the decision to have Jess and Nick kiss in “Cooler” was a last-minute change, it proved to be a successful move. This unexpected twist in the storyline captivated audiences and solidified their interest in the couple’s evolving romance.

As a result, the episode “Cooler” is often hailed as one of the best episodes of “New Girl” due to the profound impact of Jess and Nick’s first kiss. It serves as a testament to the power of a well-executed romantic moment in television storytelling.


What episode do Jess and Nick kiss in?

Jess and Nick share their first kiss in season 2, episode 15, titled “Cooler.”

Why is Jess and Nick’s first kiss significant?

Their first kiss marks a pivotal moment in their relationship, transitioning them from friends to lovers and establishing their romantic connection.

What was the original plan for Jess and Nick’s kiss?

Originally, the writers had planned for Jess to kiss Schmidt in the game True American, but they changed it to Jess and Nick for a more impactful storyline.

What is the significance of the episode "Cooler" in New Girl?

The episode “Cooler” is often regarded as one of the best episodes of New Girl due to the impact of Jess and Nick’s first kiss.
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26 thoughts on “Jess and Nick’s First Kiss Episode Revealed”

    1. I have to disagree. Jess and Nicks first kiss was pure magic. Their chemistry was undeniable and set the tone for their relationship. It was a pivotal moment that fans will never forget.

    1. I completely disagree. Jess and Nicks first kiss was electric and full of raw emotion. Their chemistry was palpable, and it set the stage for their complicated and captivating relationship. Its what made their love story so compelling.

    1. I respectfully disagree. I thought Jess and Nicks first kiss was a long time coming and felt genuine. Their chemistry was palpable and added depth to their relationship. Sometimes, its the subtle moments that speak the loudest.

  1. Did anyone else find the original plan for Jess and Nicks kiss more intriguing? I wonder how the show might have evolved if they had stuck to that plan. Its fun to speculate!

  2. Isnt it interesting how TV showrunners often change original plans? I wonder how different New Girl wouldve been if Jess and Nicks first kiss followed the initial draft. Any thoughts on how this would impact the series?

  3. Just wondering, but wouldnt it have been more impactful if Jess and Nicks first kiss was kept unplanned? I reckon the spontaneity could have added a real charm to their story arc. Thoughts?

  4. Does anyone else think that the original plan for Jess and Nicks kiss had more sparks than what we actually got? I mean, the numbers narrate an interesting love story, but I feel theres more to it.

  5. Honestly guys, Im gonna throw a curveball here – was Jess and Nicks first kiss really that significant? I mean, it was sweet and all, but couldnt we have seen more development before they locked lips? And the original plan seemed much more organic. Im just saying, maybe were romanticizing this too much? Thoughts?

  6. Just read the article about Jess and Nicks first kiss. Is it just me or does anyone else think that the writers forced their relationship too soon? The original plan sounded much more organic. They shouldve let their love story develop naturally over time. Numbers dont make a relationship, feelings do.

  7. Honestly, Jess and Nicks first kiss felt forced to me. Was it just to boost ratings? Didnt seem very organic to their story.

  8. While I get that Jess and Nicks first kiss was a game-changer, I cant help but feel it was too calculated for a supposedly spontaneous moment. Sure, it had significance, but wasnt the original plan for their relationship to develop gradually? It felt like the writers just decided to ramp up the drama for ratings. Anyone else think they jumped the gun?

  9. Am I the only one who thinks Jess and Nicks first kiss was overhyped? I mean, it was cute, sure, but not groundbreaking. And lets not ignore the fact that their numbers love story is pretty standard sitcom material. The original plan for their kiss probably had more substance. Just saying, folks, we might need to rethink our obsession with this so-called significant moment.

  10. While I appreciate the significance of Nick and Jesss first kiss, I cant help but question if their relationship is actually that deep. After all, the original plan was different, wasnt it? Feels like their love story, boiled down to numbers, is just a ploy for ratings. Isnt it time we demanded more authentic narratives from sitcoms?

  11. Honestly, I feel the hype around Jess and Nicks first kiss is overrated. Yeah, it was cute, but, was it really that significant? I mean, the writers originally planned it differently! Just goes to show that it wasnt the grand master plan everyones making it out to be. Love story in numbers? More like ratings play!

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