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Luffy Strikes a Celestial Dragon: Which Episode?

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One Piece fans can recall the moment vividly: the explosive punch delivered by Monkey D. Luffy to a Celestial Dragon. But which episode does this memorable event occur in? Let’s dive into the details and discover the answer.

Made famous in episode 396 of the One Piece anime, titled “The Exploding Fist! Destroy the Auction,” Luffy’s punch resonated with audiences worldwide. This electrifying episode premiered on April 12, 2009. In the manga, the incident takes place in Chapter 502, aptly titled “The Incident of the Celestial Dragons.”

Key Takeaways:

  • The iconic moment when Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon occurs in episode 396 of the One Piece anime.
  • In the manga, the incident takes place in Chapter 502, titled “The Incident of the Celestial Dragons.”
  • This memorable event exhibits Luffy’s defiance against corrupt and oppressive World Nobles.
  • Luffy’s actions symbolize his role as a hero fighting against tyranny.
  • The episode premiered on April 12, 2009, captivating fans around the world.

The Celestial Dragon Hit-and-Run Incident

The Celestial Dragon Hit-and-Run Incident is a significant event that occurs during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc in One Piece. In this incident, Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, takes a stand against Saint Charlos, a powerful and arrogant World Noble.

During the incident, Luffy punches the Celestial Dragon, expressing his outrage at their mistreatment of others. This powerful punch, fueled by Luffy’s fierce determination, showcases his unwavering resolve and serves as a defining moment in the series.

“I won’t let you get away with your cruelty! I’ll give you a taste of justice!” – Monkey D. Luffy

This event also marks the debut of the Pacifista prototypes, powerful cyborgs developed by the World Government. Luffy’s actions during the Celestial Dragon Hit-and-Run Incident lead to a dramatic chain of events that further shape the story of One Piece.

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Throughout the Sabaody Archipelago Arc, Luffy and his crew face numerous challenges and confrontations as they attempt to rescue their friend and fellow pirate, Camie. The Celestial Dragon Hit-and-Run Incident serves as a turning point in their journey, displaying Luffy’s unwavering determination to protect his friends and fight against injustice.

The consequences of this incident reverberate throughout the series, as Luffy’s actions inspire others to stand up against oppression and ultimately contribute to the larger battle against the World Government.

The Origins and Events of the Incident

The Celestial Dragon Hit-and-Run Incident has its roots in a confrontation between Monkey D. Luffy and Saint Charlos. This incident unfolds during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc, one of the most intense and pivotal story arcs in One Piece.

The incident begins when Luffy, along with his crew, encounters Camie, an important friend and ally. The atmosphere takes a dark turn when Saint Charlos, a World Noble known for their oppressive and arrogant behavior, disrespects Camie and shoots Hatchan, one of Luffy’s fish-man comrades.

“To harm my friend, to inflict pain on someone defenseless. No one gets away with that!”

Enraged by this act of violence, Luffy, driven by his unwavering sense of justice, swiftly retaliates. With a powerful punch, he strikes Saint Charlos, rendering him unconscious and sending shockwaves throughout the area.

This single punch serves as a catalyst for a series of events that shake the very foundation of the world in One Piece. The incident triggers the intervention of Admiral Kizaru, who is dispatched to restore order. Furthermore, Luffy’s attack unveils the Pacifista prototypes, fearsome cyborg assassins developed by the Navy.

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The aftermath of the Celestial Dragon Hit-and-Run Incident is far-reaching. Due to the chaos and ensuing battles with Marine forces, the Straw Hat Pirates are separated, with each member embarking on their own journey. This turn of events sets the stage for Luffy’s subsequent participation in the Summit War of Marineford, a pivotal war that impacts the entire One Piece world.

celestial dragon hit-and-run incident


Luffy’s striking of the Celestial Dragon, Saint Charlos, holds significant meaning within the One Piece storyline. It represents Luffy’s unwavering defiance against the corrupt World Nobles and their oppressive ways. By standing up against their mistreatment and arrogance, Luffy showcases his determination to protect his friends and challenge injustice.

This moment serves as a pivotal turning point in the narrative, underscoring the clash between the ordinary people and the ruling elite. Luffy’s actions resonate deeply with fans, symbolizing his role as a heroic figure fighting against tyranny. His punch to the Celestial Dragon signifies the embodiment of justice and the rebellion against a system that perpetuates inequality and abuse of power.

The significance of Luffy’s punch reverberates throughout the One Piece universe, inspiring others to question authority and fight for a more equitable world. It sparks a sense of hope among the downtrodden and establishes Luffy as a beacon of resistance. This iconic scene will forever be remembered as a defining moment in Luffy’s journey, solidifying his status as a legendary figure who stands up for what is right.


What episode does Luffy punch a Celestial Dragon?

Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon in Episode 396 of the One Piece anime, titled “The Exploding Fist! Destroy the Auction.”

What is the episode number of Luffy vs Celestial Dragon?

Luffy vs Celestial Dragon takes place in Episode 396 of the One Piece anime.

What is the episode name where Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon?

The episode where Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon is titled “The Exploding Fist! Destroy the Auction.”

Which One Piece episode does Luffy take down a Celestial Dragon?

Luffy takes down a Celestial Dragon in Episode 396 of the One Piece anime.

In which episode does Luffy fight a Celestial Dragon?

Luffy fights a Celestial Dragon in Episode 396 of the One Piece anime.

What episode does Luffy hit a Celestial Dragon?

Luffy hits a Celestial Dragon in Episode 396 of the One Piece anime.

What is the episode where Luffy avenges Fishman Island?

The episode where Luffy avenges Fishman Island is Episode 396 of the One Piece anime.
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13 thoughts on “Luffy Strikes a Celestial Dragon: Which Episode?”

    1. Absolutely, the Celestial Dragons are the worst of the worst. Luffy did what needed to be done. It was about time someone put them in their place. Cant wait to see how this plays out in the next chapter!

  1. Interesting post! Just a thought, could the Celestial Dragon incident have been avoided if Luffy had been aware of their significance? Maybe its all about education and understanding?

  2. Interesting article, but wouldnt it be better to consider the moral implications of Luffys actions too, not just the chronological events? Just a thought.

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