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Luffy Unleashes Gear 4 – Find Out What Episode

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What episode does Luffy obtain his powerful Gear 4 transformation? In the Dressrosa arc of One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy introduces a new level of strength and power with his Gear 4 form. Fans eagerly awaited this moment, and it finally arrives in episode 726, titled “Gear 4! The Phenomenal Boundman!” In this episode, Luffy reveals his remarkable Gear 4: Boundman and engages in an epic battle against the formidable Donquixote Doflamingo.

Key Takeaways:

  • Luffy’s Gear 4 transformation is unveiled in episode 726 of One Piece titled “Gear 4! The Phenomenal Boundman!”
  • Gear 4 grants Luffy increased strength, speed, and durability in battles.
  • The episode showcases Luffy’s epic clash with Donquixote Doflamingo and the incredible power of Gear 4.
  • Gear 4 is the latest addition to Luffy’s arsenal of Gear transformations, including Gear 2 and Gear 3.
  • Witnessing Luffy’s journey and growth is an exciting experience for One Piece fans.

The Development of Luffy’s Gears

Luffy’s Gear transformations are an extension of his Devil Fruit power, the Gomu Gomu no Mi. Throughout his journey, Luffy has unlocked five different Gears to enhance his abilities. Gear 2, which increases his speed and agility, is first introduced in episode 273, “All for the Sake of Protecting My Friends! Gear 2 in Motion!” Gear 3, which focuses on enhancing his strength by inflating his body parts, is revealed in episode 288, “Fukurou’s Miscalculation! My Cola is the Water of Life!” Finally, Gear 4, also known as Boundman, is fully unleashed in episode 726. Gear 5, Luffy’s strongest form to date, is introduced in episode 1,071 of the anime.

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Throughout each new Gear, Luffy’s powers evolve, allowing him to overcome increasingly powerful foes. The reveal of each new transformation leaves viewers eagerly anticipating the next episode, waiting to witness the breathtaking display of Luffy’s immense strength and determination.

Gear Introduced In Episode
2 273
3 288
4 (Boundman) 726
5 1,071

Luffy’s Epic Clash with Doflamingo

In episode 726, Luffy engages in a fierce battle with Donquixote Doflamingo using his newly acquired Gear 4 form. As Luffy unleashes his Boundman form, he utilizes powerful attacks such as Kong Gun and Rhino Schneider to send Doflamingo flying. The clash between Luffy and Doflamingo showcases the immense power and capabilities of Gear 4. This epic confrontation highlights the strength and determination of Luffy as he fights to protect his friends and defeat his formidable opponent.

Luffy’s mastery of Gear 4 allows him to overpower Doflamingo, who struggles to keep up with Luffy’s enhanced speed and strength. With each devastating blow, Luffy demonstrates the effectiveness and versatility of his Gear 4 attacks. The combination of Luffy’s rubbery body and his Haki-infused punches creates unstoppable force, making him a formidable force to be reckoned with in battle.

luffy gear 4 episode

The intense clash between Luffy and Doflamingo captivates viewers, as they witness the full extent of Gear 4’s capabilities. Luffy’s unwavering determination to protect his friends drives him to push his limits and unleash the full potential of his newfound power. The fight serves as a testament to Luffy’s growth as a pirate and his unwavering resolve to achieve his goals.

“When I decide to protect someone, I become unbreakable!” – Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy’s battle with Doflamingo ultimately leads to a decisive victory, as he defeats the powerful Shichibukai and frees Dressrosa from his tyranny. This pivotal moment not only solidifies Luffy’s reputation as a formidable pirate but also marks a significant milestone in his journey towards becoming the Pirate King.

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Stay tuned for the next section of our article as we delve deeper into the conclusion of this thrilling battle and explore the lasting impact of Luffy’s Gear 4 transformation.


Witnessing Luffy’s transformation into Gear 4 in episode 726 of One Piece is a thrilling moment for fans of the series. This power-up marks a significant milestone in Luffy’s journey as he continues to grow stronger and face more formidable challenges.

With the introduction of Gear 4, Luffy showcases his ingenuity and adaptability in battle, solidifying his status as a powerful and determined protagonist. The episode leaves viewers eager to see what other incredible powers and abilities Luffy will unveil in his future adventures.


What episode does Luffy unveil Gear 4?

Luffy unveils Gear 4 in episode 726 of One Piece.

When does Luffy first use Gear 4?

Luffy first uses Gear 4 in episode 726, titled “Gear 4! The Phenomenal Boundman!”

What are the other Gears Luffy unlocks?

Luffy also unlocks Gear 2 in episode 273 and Gear 3 in episode 288.

Which episode features Luffy’s epic battle against Doflamingo in Gear 4?

Luffy’s battle against Doflamingo in Gear 4 takes place in episode 726.

What is the episode number for the introduction of Gear 5?

The introduction of Gear 5 occurs in episode 1,071 of the One Piece anime.

When does Luffy use his Boundman form in the fight against Doflamingo?

Luffy unleashes his Boundman form in episode 726 to battle against Donquixote Doflamingo.

How does Luffy’s Gear 4 enhance his abilities?

Gear 4 enhances Luffy’s strength, speed, and durability, allowing him to deliver powerful attacks.

Does Luffy’s Gear 4 reveal signify a significant milestone in his journey?

Yes, Luffy’s Gear 4 reveal marks a significant milestone as he continues to grow stronger and face greater challenges.

What can viewers expect from Luffy’s future adventures after his Gear 4 reveal?

After his Gear 4 reveal, viewers are left eagerly anticipating the unveiling of Luffy’s future powers and abilities.
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12 thoughts on “Luffy Unleashes Gear 4 – Find Out What Episode”

    1. Sorry, but you clearly havent seen the full potential of Luffys Gear 4. Its a game-changer in battles and has been crucial in many of his victories. Gear 2 and 3 are great, but Gear 4 takes Luffys abilities to a whole new level.

    1. Hey, gear 4 brings the hype and power to Luffys fights. Mixing it up keeps things exciting and unpredictable. Cant imagine Luffy sticking to basics when hes got such awesome abilities at his disposal. Lets embrace the epicness!

  1. So, Gear 4 was a game-changer, right? But how does Luffy maintain his stamina after using it? Also, Doflamingos defeat felt a bit rushed, wasnt it? Just some food for thought!

  2. Intriguing article, but how about the whole Doflamingo clash? It wasnt just Gear 4. I reckon Luffys strategic insight was a key factor too. Anyone else feel like this point was kinda glossed over?

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