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Mackenzie vs. Maddie: The Episode of Victory

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Have you ever wondered what episode Mackenzie Ziegler beats her talented older sister Maddie in the hit reality show Dance Moms? The moment when Mackenzie emerges victorious over Maddie is a significant turning point in their sibling rivalry and the Dance Moms story.

In an unforgettable episode titled “Maddie vs. Mackenzie,” the young dancers compete against each other, with Mackenzie astonishingly coming out on top. Despite Maddie’s exceptional tap routine, it was Mackenzie’s jazz/acro dance called “Sink or Swim” that clinched the first-place trophy. This unexpected triumph leaves viewers and the dance community in awe.

The victory sparks drama among the dancers and their coach, Abby Lee Miller. Maddie, grappling with disbelief, visibly struggles to cope with her sister’s win. The upcoming episode, “West Coast Strikes Back,” reveals that Maddie is still grappling with the emotional aftermath of Mackenzie’s victory. Tensions escalate further with the introduction of a new rival dance company, Murrieta Dance Project.

Key Takeaways:

  • The episode where Mackenzie Ziegler beats Maddie Ziegler is a pivotal moment in their sibling rivalry.
  • Despite praise for Maddie’s tap routine, it is Mackenzie’s jazz/acro dance, “Sink or Swim,” that secures first place.
  • Maddie’s reaction to Mackenzie’s win adds drama to the episode, showcasing their competitive dynamic.
  • The upcoming episode introduces a new rival dance company, Murrieta Dance Project, intensifying the competition.
  • Will Mackenzie be able to handle the pressure of a new opportunity and maintain her winning streak?

Mackenzie’s Big Opportunity

In the same episode where Mackenzie beats Maddie, Abby Lee Miller tests Mackenzie Ziegler’s confidence by giving her a “big opportunity.” The episode, titled “West Coast Strikes Back,” introduces the dance company Murrieta Dance Project as the ALDC’s newest West Coast rival. Abby wants to put her best foot forward at the upcoming competition against them.

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The synopsis for the episode teases whether Mackenzie will be able to handle the pressure and rise to the occasion. It is clear that Mackenzie’s happiness after defeating Maddie will be on the line, and her performance in this episode will determine whether she can maintain her winning streak.

Mackenzie’s Competition Results

Spoilers ahead! According to a spoiler site, the ALDC did not emerge victorious in the competition against the Murrieta Dance Project. At the Fierce National Dance Competition in Los Angeles, MDP’s group dance called “Monsters Under the Bed” took home first place overall, while the ALDC’s group number titled “Voices in My Head” reportedly placed second overall. This outcome indicates that Mackenzie and her team were unable to secure a win against their fierce competitors.

The episode leaves viewers wondering if Mackenzie will bounce back from this defeat and continue to thrive in future competitions.

mackenzie competition results

Competition Results

Competition First Place Overall
Fierce National Dance Competition Murrieta Dance Project – “Monsters Under the Bed”


The episode of Dance Moms featuring Mackenzie’s victory over her sister Maddie highlights the intense rivalry between these talented young dancers. Mackenzie’s success in the jazz/acro solo competition intensifies the competitive dynamic between the two. The upcoming episode, “West Coast Strikes Back,” introduces a new rival dance company, Murrieta Dance Project, and presents Mackenzie with a significant opportunity to showcase her skills.

However, in the competition against Murrieta Dance Project, the ALDC falls short and doesn’t emerge victorious. This loss raises doubts about Mackenzie’s ability to handle the pressure and maintain her winning streak. Despite this setback, the episode showcases the challenges and triumphs that these young dancers confront as they navigate the cutthroat world of competitive dance.

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Throughout the episode, the rivalry between Mackenzie and Maddie remains a central theme, fueling the tension and drama. Mackenzie’s victory adds another layer to their relationship, as Maddie grapples with the disappointment of not coming out on top. The intense passion and drive exhibited by these dancers create a captivating narrative that captivates viewers and keeps them invested in the outcome of their performances.


What episode does Mackenzie beat Maddie?

Mackenzie beat Maddie in an episode of Dance Moms titled “Maddie vs. Mackenzie.”

How did Mackenzie defeat Maddie?

Mackenzie defeated Maddie by taking first place in the jazz/acro solo competition with a routine called “Sink or Swim.”

What happened after Mackenzie’s victory?

Mackenzie’s win caused drama among the dancers and coach Abby Lee Miller. Maddie expressed disbelief and was visibly upset.

What is the next episode after Mackenzie beats Maddie?

The next episode is titled “West Coast Strikes Back” and introduces a new rival dance company, Murrieta Dance Project.

What is Mackenzie’s big opportunity in the next episode?

Abby Lee Miller tests Mackenzie’s confidence by giving her a “big opportunity” in the upcoming episode.

Did the ALDC win against the Murrieta Dance Project?

No, the ALDC did not win against the Murrieta Dance Project at the Fierce National Dance Competition in Los Angeles.

What was the result of the competition against the Murrieta Dance Project?

The Murrieta Dance Project’s group dance took first place overall, while the ALDC’s group number placed second overall.

Will Mackenzie bounce back from this defeat?

The episode leaves viewers wondering if Mackenzie will bounce back from this defeat and continue to thrive in future competitions.
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28 thoughts on “Mackenzie vs. Maddie: The Episode of Victory”

    1. Sorry, but I have to disagree. Mackenzies talent speaks for itself, and she worked just as hard as Maddie. Lets give credit where its due. Both girls are incredibly talented in their own right, and deserve recognition for their efforts.

    1. I respectfully disagree. Both Maddie and Mackenzie are incredibly talented dancers who have worked hard for their achievements. Its important to celebrate both of their successes rather than pit them against each other. Lets appreciate each dancer for their unique talents.

  1. Just read Mackenzie vs. Maddie: The Episode of Victory. Is it just me, or does anyone else think Mackenzie totally deserved the spotlight this time? Her competition results were seriously impressive!

  2. Interesting read, but wouldnt you agree that Mackenzies big opportunity was largely overshadowed by Maddies victory? Its like her efforts were brushed under the carpet. Lets give each their due credit, folks!

  3. Honestly, whos to say Mackenzie wouldnt have shone brighter if the spotlight wasnt constantly hogged by Maddie? The competition results might have been different! Just food for thought.

  4. Interesting read, but isnt it a bit unfair to pit Mackenzie and Maddie against each other? They both have unique talents. Also, isnt the focus on competition results rather than personal growth a bit skewed? Just my two cents.

  5. I think Maddie totally deserved that victory! Mackenzie had her big opportunity, but Maddies skills were on another level. Cant argue with those competition results! #TeamMaddie 🏆

  6. I cant believe people are still debating Mackenzie vs. Maddie! Lets focus on the key takeaways and Mackenzies big opportunity instead of getting caught up in old competition results. Lets move forward, people!

  7. Just finished reading this! Honestly, I feel like Mackenzie was robbed in this episode. Yes, Maddie is a great performer but Mackenzie showed real growth and potential. Can we stop comparing sisters and just acknowledge their individual accomplishments? And why didnt we get a detailed breakdown of the competition results? Just my two cents.

    1. Mackenzies growth doesnt negate Maddies talent. Detailed results? This isnt a sports broadcast, its entertainment.

  8. Just my two cents here, but isnt it time we stopped comparing Mackenzie and Maddie? Its clear they both have their own strengths and unique style. Also, isnt it more about the love of dance than competition results? Lets give Mackenzie her due without pitting her against her sis. Dance isnt war, guys. Chill.

  9. Just read through that Mackenzie vs. Maddie article and its got me thinking, why dont we talk more about the role of their parents in their success? Like, sure, Mackenzies big opportunity was great but wasnt it also a product of her moms relentless push? I think the competition results are just half the story. Thoughts?

  10. Honestly, I feel Mackenzie was set up for victory in this episode. Maddie is always the golden child, but it seemed the narrative was suddenly switched to give Mackenzie the limelight. Dont get me wrong, Im all for Mackenzies success, but it feels a bit manufactured. Anyone else think the competition results were skewed for dramas sake?

  11. Just read the article on the Mackenzie vs Maddie episode. Am I the only one who thinks Mackenzie was given a raw deal? Her competition results were downplayed. It felt like her big opportunity was actually a setup for Maddies victory. Not cool, guys! Shouldnt we be celebrating both their efforts rather than creating an artificial rivalry?

  12. Just throwing this out there, but wasnt Maddies routine far more complex than Mackenzies? I mean, I get the whole big opportunity thing for Mackenzie, but its hard not to notice that the competition results seem skewed. Feels like they were just handing out a win. Thoughts?

  13. Just finished the article about Mackenzies competition results and Ive got to say, I think Maddie got robbed. Mackenzies big opportunity seemed more like a handout, to be honest. The judges were clearly biased. Just because shes the underdog doesnt mean she should be handed the victory. Lets have a real competition, yeah? Just a thought.

  14. Just finished reading Mackenzie vs. Maddie: The Episode of Victory and I gotta say guys, isnt it possible that Mackenzies victory was a fluke? No shade to her, but Maddies track record is undeniably stronger. Lets not forget about the Competition Results. Wonder if theres some favoritism going on here. Just a thought. 🤔

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