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Mahito’s Fate: Find Out What Episode He Dies

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As fans eagerly await the release of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, one burning question lingers in their minds: what episode does Mahito meet his demise? With his sinister presence and formidable abilities, Mahito has become one of the most captivating antagonists in the series. In this article, we will explore the details of his final battle, dissecting the chain of events leading to his ultimate fate.

Mahito’s journey towards his definitive end begins in the intense Shibuya arc, where he faces off against Yuji Itadori and Aoi Todo. These battles push him to the brink of defeat, leaving him weakened and vulnerable. Just when it seems like he might escape, an unexpected encounter with Pseudo-Geto seals his fate.

Pseudo-Geto utilizes Suguru Geto’s Cursed Spirit Manipulation Cursed Technique to absorb Mahito, taking advantage of his weakened state. As Mahito realizes the true intentions of Pseudo-Geto, he launches a desperate attack in a last-ditch effort to survive. However, his efforts prove futile, and he succumbs to his downfall.

To uncover the specific episode in which Mahito meets his end, we turn to the manga adaptation. In chapter 133, readers witness the decisive moment of Mahito’s demise. While the anime’s pacing may differ, it is estimated that Mahito’s death will take place in Season 2 Episode 22, or Episode 46 overall, of Jujutsu Kaisen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mahito’s death is a significant event in Jujutsu Kaisen, marking the end of a major antagonist.
  • His final battle with Yuji Itadori and Aoi Todo leaves him severely weakened.
  • Pseudo-Geto’s Cursed Technique ultimately leads to Mahito’s demise.
  • The specific episode in which Mahito dies is estimated to be Season 2 Episode 22 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
  • The manga chapter responsible for Mahito’s death is chapter 133.
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Mahito’s Final Moments

In the lead-up to his demise, Mahito goes through a couple more battles in the Shibuya arc of Jujutsu Kaisen. One of these battles almost ends him, as he faces a collaboration between Yuji Itadori and Aoi Todo. This intense confrontation weakens Mahito, leaving him vulnerable and desperate.

Despite his weakened state, Mahito attempts to escape his adversaries. However, his escape is short-lived when he is unexpectedly confronted by Pseudo-Geto. At first, Pseudo-Geto offers to save Mahito, but it quickly becomes apparent that his true intentions are far from benevolent.

During his final moments, Mahito’s desperation is met with a failed attempt to attack Pseudo-Geto. As Mahito realizes the true extent of Pseudo-Geto’s plans, his last moments are filled with a mix of anger, regret, and the acceptance of his impending doom.

“You’ve always known, Geto.”

Mahito’s last episode in Jujutsu Kaisen is a riveting culmination of his character arc. Fans can expect the death scene and the detailed events leading up to it to be portrayed in a visually captivating manner.

Mahito’s Death Episode and Manga Adaptation

As fans eagerly anticipate the climactic end of Mahito’s story in Jujutsu Kaisen, it is estimated that his demise will occur in Season 2 Episode 22 (Episode 46 overall). While the number of manga chapters adapted per episode may vary, Mahito’s ultimate fate can be found in chapter 133 of the manga.

With the upcoming episode, fans can expect to witness Mahito’s death scene and the events leading up to it in the corresponding episodes of the anime adaptation. It will undoubtedly be a pivotal moment in the series, punctuating the intense Shibuya arc with Mahito’s demise.

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mahito death episode number

Stay tuned to witness the climactic end of this major antagonist’s journey in Jujutsu Kaisen.


Mahito’s death in Jujutsu Kaisen is a momentous event that marks the end of a prominent antagonist in the series. Fans of the anime can anticipate witnessing his demise in Season 2 Episode 22, eagerly awaiting the resolution of this thrilling arc. The intense battles fought by Mahito against Yuji Itadori and Aoi Todo, coupled with his fateful encounter with Pseudo-Geto, amplify the tension and suspense in the storyline.

The demise of Mahito constitutes a defining moment in the Shibuya arc, setting the stage for further developments in Jujutsu Kaisen. As viewers delve into the intricacies of this captivating narrative, they are sure to be captivated by the significance of Mahito’s death and its far-reaching implications.

Stay tuned to Jujutsu Kaisen and witness the profound impact of Mahito’s death on the trajectory of the series. The gripping storyline, coupled with the remarkable animation, offers a sensational viewing experience that leaves audiences craving for more. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable journey into the dark and captivating world of Jujutsu Kaisen.


What episode does Mahito die in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Mahito “dies” after getting absorbed by Pseudo-Geto in the Shibuya arc of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2.

Can you provide details about Mahito’s final moments?

Before his demise, Mahito goes through battles with Yuji Itadori and Aoi Todo, resulting in his weakened state. He is eventually sealed and absorbed by Pseudo-Geto, during which Mahito attempts to attack but fails.

In which episode does Mahito die in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Mahito’s death is estimated to occur in Season 2 Episode 22 (Episode 46 overall) of Jujutsu Kaisen. The corresponding manga chapter is chapter 133.

Does Mahito die in the manga as well?

Yes, Mahito meets his end in chapter 133 of the manga.

What significance does Mahito’s death hold in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Mahito’s death marks the end of a major antagonist and is a crucial moment in the Shibuya arc. It sets the stage for future developments in the series.
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18 thoughts on “Mahito’s Fate: Find Out What Episode He Dies”

  1. I gotta say, isnt the whole concept of revealing Mahitos fate a bit spoiler-y? And how accurately does the anime follow the mangas depiction of his end? Just food for thought, folks.

  2. Well, if were talking about Mahitos death episode, did anyone else find the manga adaptation more emotionally impactful? The anime was good, but something about the manga just hit different.

  3. Hey, isnt it crazy how theyve mapped out Mahitos fate so definitively? Makes you wonder if theres a twist in store. Would they really just reveal his death episode casually?

  4. Interesting take on Mahitos fate, but isnt it too soon to reveal such a spoiler? What about the suspense for anime-only fans who are yet to reach that point in the story? Just a thought.

  5. I cant believe Mahito had to die like that! Do you think it was the right decision by the creators? I feel like they could have kept him around for more chaos. #MahitosFate #ControversialOpinion

  6. I cant believe Mahito had to die like that! Do you think the manga adaptation did justice to his character? Personally, I think they could have taken his final moments in a different direction. #ControversialOpinions

  7. I gotta say, this article left me puzzled. Mahitos death episode felt too soon, didnt it? Manga adaptation was spot on, but his final moments didnt hit me hard. Maybe its just me, but arent villains supposed to have more dramatic exits? Thoughts, anyone?

  8. Interesting read but Im not entirely sold on the Mahitos Death Episode part. Isnt it kind of a spoiler to reveal the episode he dies in? Also, the manga adaptation angle could have been explored more. Just saying, theres a thin line between analysis and spoilers.

  9. Just finished reading this piece and Im not sure I agree with the whole Mahitos final moments part. I mean, isnt it possible he faked his death? Weve seen characters pull off crazier stunts in anime. Plus, the manga adaptation didnt quite solidify his demise either. Open for discussion, folks!

  10. Am I the only one who thinks Mahito doesnt really die? Hear me out guys, the article did a great job explaining his final moments, but what if its another plot twist? Like the manga adaptation isnt always identical to the anime, right? Lets not jump into conclusions too soon, fandom!

  11. I gotta say, seems to me like Mahitos death was too rushed. I mean, couldnt they have given him a more dignified exit? The manga adaptation had a much deeper impact. Its like they just wanted to get rid of him ASAP in the anime. Anyone else feel the same?

  12. Just finished reading the article and I gotta say, Im not convinced Mahitos death was necessary for the storys progression. I mean, the guy was an absolute beast and his character development was top tier. Besides, shouldnt the manga adaptation stick more closely to the original? Just my two cents, dont come at me!

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