Attack on Titan, the popular anime series based on Hajime Isayama’s manga, has captivated fans worldwide with its thrilling storyline and intense action. As the fourth and final season of the show continues to unfold, dedicated viewers eagerly await the release of upcoming episodes to witness the epic conclusion of this beloved series.
The release schedule for Attack on Titan episodes may vary, and it’s crucial for fans to stay updated to ensure they don’t miss any of the excitement. Let’s delve into the details of the release date and airing schedule for the next Attack on Titan episode.
Key Takeaways:
- The fourth and final season of Attack on Titan premiered on December 7, 2020.
- The second part of the final season started airing on January 10, 2022.
- There have been two compilation specials followed by TV episode-size versions released.
- Upcoming Attack on Titan episodes may have a varying release schedule.
- Stay updated to catch all the thrilling action of the final season.
Attack on Titan Final Episode Release Date and Runtime
The final episode of Attack on Titan Season 4, also known as “The Final Chapters: Special 2,” is set to release on November 4, 2023, in Japan. Fans have been eagerly anticipating this thrilling conclusion to the epic saga, and the wait is almost over.
“The Final Chapters: Special 2” will be available for streaming globally on Crunchyroll, one of the leading platforms for anime enthusiasts. Fans worldwide can mark their calendars for November 4, 2023, at 5:00 PM PT, to witness the highly anticipated finale.
The final episode of Attack on Titan Season 4 is not only highly anticipated but also holds the record as the longest episode of the series. With a runtime of 85 minutes, fans can expect an extended and immersive experience as the story reaches its climactic conclusion.
Episode Title | Release Date | Runtime |
Episode 1 | December 7, 2020 | 25 minutes |
Episode 2 | December 14, 2020 | 25 minutes |
Episode 3 | December 21, 2020 | 25 minutes |
Episode 4 | December 28, 2020 | 25 minutes |
Episode 5 | January 10, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 6 | January 17, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 7 | January 24, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 8 | January 31, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 9 | February 7, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 10 | February 14, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 11 | February 21, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 12 | February 28, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 13 | March 7, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 14 | March 14, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 15 | March 21, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 16 | March 28, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 17 | April 4, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 18 | April 11, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 19 | April 18, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 20 | April 25, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 21 | May 2, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 22 | May 9, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 23 | May 16, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 24 | May 23, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 25 | May 30, 2022 | 25 minutes |
Episode 26 | November 4, 2023 | 85 minutes |
The final episode will adapt the remaining five chapters of the manga, ensuring a faithful and captivating conclusion to the story that fans have come to love. Get ready for an intense and thrilling finale that will leave a lasting impression. Don’t miss out on the highly anticipated release of the final episode of Attack on Titan Season 4.
As the highly anticipated final episode of Attack on Titan approaches, fans around the world are eagerly awaiting the conclusion of this beloved anime series. With the release date set for November 4, 2023, viewers can look forward to an action-packed and emotional finale that will tie up loose ends and bring closure to the captivating story.
What makes this finale even more exciting is the fact that it will have a runtime of 85 minutes, making it the longest episode in the series. This generous duration suggests that the creators have taken great care to ensure that the last episode delivers a satisfying and impactful ending. Fans can expect intense battles, heart-wrenching moments, and jaw-dropping revelations as the story reaches its climax.
If you haven’t caught up with the latest Attack on Titan episodes, now is the perfect time to do so. Dive into the riveting world of Titans, uncover the truth behind the mysteries, and join the epic struggle for humanity’s survival. Don’t miss out on the thrilling final chapter of Attack on Titan – mark your calendars for November 4, 2023, and witness the epic conclusion that will surely leave a lasting impression.
When does the next Attack on Titan episode come out?
What is the release date for the next AOT episode?
What is the runtime of the final episode of Attack on Titan?
What is the latest Attack on Titan episode?
When will the final episode of Attack on Titan Season 4 be available for streaming globally?
Is Attack on Titan season 4 the final season?
What can fans expect from the final episode of Attack on Titan?
Will there be any more episodes or seasons after Attack on Titan Season 4?
Where can I watch Attack on Titan episodes?
How can I stay updated on Attack on Titan news and releases?
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I think the final episode should have been longer, more closure needed.
Is it just me or are we all hyped for a potential alternate ending? 🤔
I cant believe theyre dragging out the release date. Its torture!
I cant believe theyre dragging out the final episode release date. Ridiculous!
I think the final Attack on Titan episode should have a surprise twist ending!
I think Eren shouldve ended up with Mikasa instead of Historia.
I cant believe the final episode is almost here! Will it live up to the hype?
I think the final episode runtime is too short, they should extend it!
I think Erens character development is unrealistic and forced. Cant relate.
Just wondering, why is the release date of the final episode such a big secret? Is it to build suspense or is there some production issue? Im all for surprises but this is just nerve-wracking!
Guys, isnt it strange how theyve not mentioned the time zone for the release date? Its kinda important, no? And why not include an episode recap in the FAQs? Just some food for thought.
Maybe you should email them your vital suggestions instead of complaining here.
So, were just going to ignore how the runtime impacts the narrative pacing? Would the finale be as impactful if it was shorter or longer? And, why isnt there more discussion on this?
As much as I love Attack on Titan, I think its time we talk about an issue here. Why are the episodes so short? These 25-minute episodes for such a complex storyline just don’t cut it. I mean, waiting a week for just a pinch of plot isnt satisfying. If shows like Sherlock can pull off 90-minute episodes, why cant AoT?
I get the hype around Attack on Titan, but does the release date and runtime of the final episode really matter that much? Isnt it just fluff to keep us hooked? And honestly, shouldnt the focus be more on the storyline and character development? Just my 2 cents! Lets not forget the essence of anime here, folks.
I get it, were all hyped about the final episode but isnt anyone else bothered by the super long runtime? I mean, come on guys, its like theyre cramming too much in one go. Cant they just extend the series instead of making us sit through a movie-length episode? Just my two cents!
Ever thought that longer runtime might mean more content? Quality over quantity, mate!
Just read this article about AoTs next episode release and Im genuinely confused. Is it just me or does anyone else think the pacing of the final season is off? Also, why hasnt anyone talked about the massive runtime of the final episode? Is it going to be a movie or what? This article doesnt clear it up and its a bit frustrating.
I know this might stir the pot, but isnt it a bit overkill to have such a long runtime for the final Attack on Titan episode? I mean, weve been waiting for ages, but lets not drag this out for the sake of it. And why its always a secret when the next episode drops? Just my two cents, guys!
Maybe the suspense and long runtime is what keeps us hooked. Patience is a virtue, my friend.
Why dont they just release all episodes at once like Netflix does? Waiting every week is so last decade. Thoughts?
Just a thought guys, but isnt the Attack on Titan runtime too short? Feels like its over before it even starts. More time, please!
Anyone else think theyre dragging it? Attack on Titan couldve finished 3 episodes ago, no need for this suspenseful release date drama.
I must say, the hype around the final episodes release date seems a bit overblown. I mean, Attack on Titans great and all, but isnt it more about the journey rather than the endgame? Also, whats with the extended runtime? Are we expecting a Lord of the Rings-style finale or what? Just wondering.