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Poussey’s Death Revealed – What Episode Does She Die?

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Orange is the New Black, the acclaimed Netflix series, took viewers on an emotional rollercoaster with its gripping storyline and diverse cast of characters. One of the most heartbreaking moments in the show’s history was the death of Poussey Washington, portrayed by the talented Samira Wiley. But the burning question remains: what episode does Poussey meet her tragic end?

Key Takeaways:

  • Poussey’s death occurs in Season Four of Orange is the New Black.
  • She is accidentally suffocated by a correctional officer during a peaceful protest in the cafeteria.
  • Her death has sparked discussions about the representation of LGBTQ characters and characters of color on television.
  • Poussey’s character is known for her intelligence, humor, and close friendship with Taystee.
  • Her death is a pivotal moment that highlights the systemic issues within the criminal justice system.

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s dive deeper into the episode that forever changed the course of Poussey’s journey and left fans mourning the loss of a beloved character.

Poussey’s Character and Journey

Poussey Washington, portrayed by Samira Wiley, is a multifaceted character in the hit Netflix series Orange is the New Black. She starts as a recurring character in the first two seasons and later becomes a central figure in the third and fourth seasons.

Known for her intelligence, outspokenness, and caring nature, Poussey quickly captures the hearts of viewers. She forms close bonds with her fellow inmates, often engaging in playful banter to lighten the mood within the confines of Litchfield Penitentiary. Poussey’s wit and empathy make her a beloved character within the show.

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Throughout her journey, Poussey faces numerous challenges and struggles, including her battle with depression and alcoholism. However, she finds solace in her deep friendship with Taystee and her exploration of her spirituality. Poussey’s character brings representation to the LGBTQ community as a proud black lesbian, breaking barriers in mainstream television.

“Poussey’s journey is a testament to the strength and resilience of marginalized voices, shedding light on the experiences of LGBTQ individuals and people of color within the prison system.”

One of the most impactful aspects of Poussey’s character is her relationship with fellow inmate Brook Soso. Their love story provides a beautiful representation of LGBTQ relationships within the confines of a correctional facility, showcasing the complexities and challenges faced by these individuals.

However, Poussey’s journey takes a tragic turn in Season Four when she meets an untimely and unjust end. Her death serves as a critical turning point in the series, shedding light on the harsh realities of life in prison and the systemic issues that perpetuate the mistreatment of inmates.

Impact and Controversy

The death of Poussey Washington in Orange is the New Black has sparked significant impact and controversy. Some fans have criticized her death as falling into harmful tropes that see LGBTQ characters and characters of color being killed off after finding love or happiness. Poussey’s death is seen as a reflection of the disproportionate rate at which these types of characters are killed off in television shows.

However, the fourth season of Orange is the New Black has been praised for its powerful social commentary on issues such as the prison-industrial complex, race, and privilege. Poussey’s death is connected to the Black Lives Matter movement, as the show draws parallels to the deaths of unarmed black individuals at the hands of police.

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Despite the controversy, Samira Wiley has expressed her honor in being part of telling this powerful story. The portrayal of Poussey’s death serves as a stark reminder of the harsh realities faced by individuals in the prison system, particularly LGBTQ characters and characters of color. The show’s representation and social commentary have sparked important conversations and increased awareness of the systemic issues that need to be addressed.


What episode does Poussey die in Orange is the New Black?

Poussey Washington’s death occurs in the penultimate episode of Season Four.

Who portrays Poussey Washington in Orange is the New Black?

Poussey Washington is portrayed by Samira Wiley.

What is the storyline of Poussey’s character in the show?

Poussey Washington is known for her intelligence, outspokenness, and caring nature. She forms a close friendship with Taystee, struggles with depression and alcoholism, explores her spirituality, and finds love with fellow inmate Brook Soso.

How did Poussey die in Orange is the New Black?

Poussey’s death in Season Four is a result of accidental suffocation by a correctional officer during a peaceful protest in the cafeteria.

What impact and controversy did Poussey’s death create?

Poussey’s death has sparked significant discussion about the representation of LGBTQ characters and characters of color on television. Some fans have criticized her death as falling into harmful tropes, while others appreciate it as a powerful social commentary on issues such as the prison-industrial complex, race, and privilege. The show draws parallels to the Black Lives Matter movement.
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30 thoughts on “Poussey’s Death Revealed – What Episode Does She Die?”

  1. 9ddd45a3ae531b8e3dd7ccde7b23f263

    Isnt it interesting how Pousseys death stirred such controversy? Really emphasized the social issues we face today. Did anyone else think her character arc was brilliantly illustrated throughout the series?

  2. 76c453c275a28d7825756f7ba04e32fb

    Love how this article takes us through Pousseys journey! Dont you guys think her death was more than just a plot twist? The controversy that followed surely sparked important conversations.

  3. A1471a2e81fa48887d433280928ba8e4

    I cant believe they killed off Poussey! Such a powerful character with so much potential. But hey, maybe it was necessary for the storyline to shake things up. What do you all think?

  4. B5f9102b35b633018f7b15ac51ff2f6a

    I cant believe they killed off Poussey! Such a powerful and beloved character, gone too soon. But hey, maybe this will shake things up and bring some much-needed drama to the show. Who knows, maybe its for the best?

  5. Db0cfaa2fa57e3067364cc5adc37408d

    Honestly, I feel like Pousseys death was a cheap plot device. It seems like the writers were more focused on shock value than actual character development. Poussey deserved so much better. She was a beacon of positivity in the show, and to have her journey end like this… its just not right. What do you guys think?

  6. B4ceec0ba9409cbfca849ad73cb0cb8f

    Just throwing this out there, but wasnt Pousseys death a bit too predictable? I mean, the whole build-up was there. Its like the writers wanted us to see it coming. And while were at it, why did it have to be Poussey of all characters? She was one of the most relatable ones. It just feels like a cheap shot for shock value, if you ask me.

  7. 37d82f3858596753b8e6bac273401d20

    Just finished reading this article and, man, am I the only one who thinks Pousseys death was necessary? It was a turning point in the narrative and brought out the true essence of the show. It was controversial, yes, but it gave the series the jolt it needed. Thoughts? Lets discuss.

  8. F7c39b725b403aec3e4ba89db3e20b66

    Cant believe they killed Poussey! Isnt it high time we stop using character deaths as shock value? Its becoming predictable, not impactful.

  9. 709b0c3e599df2f34b263fe2de5f177d

    While Pousseys death was a shocking twist, I cant help but wonder if it was a necessary plot device? Sure, it spurred a lot of conversations and controversies, but it also felt a bit exploitative. And honestly, couldnt the writers give us a bit more of her journey before killing her off? Just a thought!

  10. D0a3fa8a311da2247bf289e08a21f7a4

    I dont know about you guys, but Pousseys death felt forced. Its like theyre using shock value to cover up poor character development. I mean, do they really expect us to believe shed die like that? Not to mention, it stirs up controversy for the sake of it. Seems like lazy writing to me. What do you think?

  11. D1451465d57437b5c0dff935200c12a2

    I still insist, Pousseys death was unnecessary and just added for shock value! What about character arc closure? Feels like lazy writing to me.

  12. 631495884a349c5288729c6f1fcdf334

    While Pousseys death was undoubtedly impactful, I feel the writers took an easy route by killing her off to create controversy. Couldnt character development and the exploration of social issues have been achieved without such a dramatic event? This feels like a gimmick to shock viewers rather than meaningful storytelling.

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