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Red Wedding Episode Air Date | Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones, known for its shocking twists and memorable moments, delivered one of its most notorious episodes with the Red Wedding. But do you remember exactly when this game-changing episode aired? Brace yourself, because we’re about to reveal the air date.

  • The Red Wedding episode of Game of Thrones first aired on June 2, 2013.
  • Written by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, and directed by David Nutter, it left a lasting impact on viewers.
  • The episode featured the wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey, followed by the shocking massacre of Robb Stark and his loyal bannermen.
  • The Red Wedding episode is often regarded as one of the most intense and shocking episodes in television history.
  • It marks a turning point in the series, with significant consequences for the Stark family and the power dynamics of Westeros.

Plot Summary of the Red Wedding Episode

The Red Wedding episode of Game of Thrones centers around the highly anticipated wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey at the Twins. However, what begins as a joyous occasion quickly takes a dark turn as Robb Stark and his allies fall victim to a treacherous betrayal orchestrated by Lord Walder Frey and House Bolton.

The episode intertwines multiple storylines, offering viewers a glimpse into the unfolding events across Westeros and Essos. Bran Stark’s group, including Hodor, Meera, and Jojen, separates from Jon Snow and the Night’s Watch as they embark on their separate quests. Meanwhile, Jon Snow faces the test of his loyalties as he finds himself torn between his feelings for Ygritte and his duty to the Night’s Watch.

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Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen strengthens her position as she plans her invasion of the city of Yunkai. Determined to free its enslaved population, she commands her loyal Unsullied army and her trio of dragons, which have now begun to grow in size and power.

However, the true heart-wrenching climax of the episode lies in the infamous Red Wedding itself. Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn, and countless Stark bannermen are brutally slain in this shocking massacre. The scene garners an emotional intensity that leaves viewers captivated and devastated by the sudden loss of these central characters.

Ultimately, the Red Wedding episode serves as a turning point in the Game of Thrones series, altering the course of the narrative and forever changing the dynamics of power and allegiance among the realms. Its impact on both the characters and the audience cannot be overstated, solidifying its status as one of the most memorable and significant moments in television history.


  1. IMDb: Game of Thrones Red Wedding Episode
  2. Wikipedia: The Rains of Castamere (episode)

Impact of the Red Wedding Episode

The Red Wedding episode of Game of Thrones had a profound impact on fans of the series. The shocking deaths of Robb Stark and Catelyn Stark left viewers devastated and emotionally shaken. These two beloved characters were brutally killed, and their deaths sent shockwaves through the fandom.

Fans had invested deeply in the Stark family’s struggle for survival, and the Red Wedding felt like a betrayal of their hopes and expectations. The episode elicited strong reactions, with many expressing outrage and sadness at the unexpected and tragic turn of events. It became a defining moment in the series, forever etched in the memories of Game of Thrones fans.

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Not only did the Red Wedding episode have a profound emotional impact, but it also marked a significant turning point in the storyline. The Northern rebellion led by Robb Stark came to a tragic end, with House Frey and House Bolton seizing power. The episode’s significance in the Game of Thrones series cannot be overstated, as it shifted the balance of power and set the stage for future conflicts.

The Red Wedding episode remains a standout moment in Game of Thrones and is often cited as one of the most memorable and impactful episodes in television history. It showcased the series’ ability to shock and surprise its audience, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. The repercussions of this episode continue to ripple through the Game of Thrones universe, shaping the fate of its characters and captivating fans worldwide.


When did the Red Wedding episode air?

The Red Wedding episode, also known as “The Rains of Castamere,” first aired on June 2, 2013.

What is the plot summary of the Red Wedding episode?

The Red Wedding episode centers around the wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey at the Twins. However, it turns into a massacre as Robb Stark and his allies are betrayed by Lord Walder Frey and House Bolton. The episode also explores other storylines, such as Bran Stark’s group separating, Jon Snow’s loyalties being tested, and Daenerys Targaryen plotting her invasion of the city of Yunkai.

What impact did the Red Wedding episode have on Game of Thrones fans?

The Red Wedding episode had a significant impact on Game of Thrones fans. Many viewers were shocked and devastated by the deaths of Robb Stark and Catelyn Stark, two beloved characters in the series. The episode provoked strong emotional reactions, with some expressing outrage and sadness. The Red Wedding episode is often cited as a standout moment in Game of Thrones and is considered a defining moment in the series.
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22 thoughts on “Red Wedding Episode Air Date | Game of Thrones”

  1. Aa6420192b1f39537bbea759d0292f1e

    Interesting article, but did anyone else think the Red Wedding episode had less impact due to the air date? I mean, isnt suspense lost if its not a season finale? Just a thought.

  2. 473faa257da53be4b11f16261d9143f2

    Just wondering, do you think the impact of the Red Wedding episode would have been the same if it aired on a different date? Sometimes timing is everything, eh?

  3. 3b162256356a3b2de29717b92d2f1939

    While the impact of the Red Wedding episode was indeed profound, wouldnt a comparison with other major plot twists in Game of Thrones offer a richer context? Just a wild thought!

  4. 261746805b1c5797ae8e016316663594

    Interesting article, but dont you think the impact of the Red Wedding episode was a bit overblown? Surely there were other pivotal episodes that had a similar, if not greater, impact on the series?

  5. 26b66c3ddc7b206d12e58615dc1aa4b7

    I cant believe people are still talking about the Red Wedding episode! Honestly, I think it was overrated. The impact wasnt that big, and the plot summary was meh. Am I the only one who feels this way?

  6. F594ed1ece2b9a5400dea73b22235d08

    I cant believe they left out the most important detail – did anyone else notice the hidden Easter egg in the background at the Red Wedding? It totally changes the whole dynamic of the episode! #MindBlown 🤯

  7. 8869d8fe1b0a7caef203304039bad180

    I cant believe people are still arguing about the Red Wedding episode! Can we all just agree that it was a masterpiece of television and move on? Lets focus on the next crazy plot twist instead.

  8. E202283c1b68b98de9b6db1e178cdebe

    Just read the Red Wedding article, man what an episode! But dont you guys think its overhyped? I mean, yeah, it was brutal and shook us all but there are other GoT episodes way more strategic and compelling. And shouldnt the impact part focus more on character development than fan reactions? Just saying…

  9. 59695cbfa980ecbe5a0087c8928eb94e

    Wow, just read through the Red Wedding recap and I gotta say, isnt it a bit overrated? I mean, yeah, its shocking and all, but the impact is kinda lessened when you consider that GOT is basically built on shock value. Plus, Robb kinda had it coming, didnt he? Am I alone here?

  10. 6fa8e35dad5882cd99ae0f4c25a9ead5

    Just finished reading this article and honestly, Im still not over the Red Wedding! But seriously, do we think the impact of the episode was that significant? I mean, it was shocking sure, but was it really the pivotal moment of GOT theyre making it out to be? Lets discuss, folks!

  11. 5a285558dd4752dcb135dfcdbde9a7d8

    Couldnt disagree more with this article! The Red Wedding episode is overrated IMO. Yes, it was shocking, but did it really have a lasting impact on the storyline? And honestly, the plot summary missed out on the subtle nuances. Anyone else feel like the show peaked too early with this episode? Just my two cents!

    1. 5bbb28e937973dcf456eb326146d96c5

      Disagree! Red Wedding was a game changer, shaking up the power dynamics. The shock value was just a bonus.

  12. 4704ff3b9381d597470eb9a82df2cbe4

    Just finished reading this article and I have to say, I think the Red Wedding episode is overrated. Sure, it had a huge impact, but wasnt it also a bit predictable? The foreshadowing was everywhere! And about the FAQs, who needs a plot summary? Weve all watched it a dozen times already. Anyone else with me on this?

  13. A2033aa4080844362e8504c35ae58c77

    Just finished reading this piece, but is it just me or did anyone else feel like the Red Wedding episode was overhyped? The plot twists were great, no doubt, but the emotional impact didnt hit home for me. Maybe because I saw spoilers before watching? Could be, but still, it felt a bit anticlimactic. Whats your take, guys?

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